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I was taking Y/N out to a nice dinner for no good reason. I just loved making her feel special and spoiling her. As usual Y/N was taking an extremely long time to get ready. She’s been taking longer since she got pregnant. I think she’s insecure but I couldn’t see any difference. She didn’t even have a bump yet.

I walked into our shared bathroom. She was applying mascara. She was wearing a purple maxi dress that she wore all the time when we first started dating. It hugged her middle tightly. There was a bump. She had a bump. God, she was so incredibly beautiful.

“Babe, do I see a bump or are my eyes playing tricks on me?” I asked while hugging her from behind and placing my large hand over her belly.

“Yeah, the baby is getting quite big.” She didn’t seem very excited.

“Y/N, you’re so f*cking beautiful and so is this bump. This bump is our baby. A baby that we made together. You have a little us in your tummy. That’s amazing. I love you so much and you have nothing to be insecure about.” I nuzzled my head into the nape of her neck smelling her hair. The feeling of the bump in my hands made me the happiest man alive. The love of my life is caring my child. I’m so f*cking lucky.



Y/N and I were on tour. We wanted to get the touring done before the pregnancy got too intense and Y/N couldn’t travel. I didn’t want her leaving my sight while she has our baby in her tummy. Never.

“This hotel room is amazing Mike? Did the other boys get such nice rooms?” She was in awe. I loved spoiling her. We were staying in a hotel at night because we are flying to America tomorrow. I got us the nicest room they had. I would do anything to impress Y/N.

“I might’ve pulled some strings.”

“You shouldn’t have done that Mikey! I’m fine sleeping on the tour bus for f*ck’s sake.” Even if she denied it, I could see she was really pleased with the room. I just chuckled at her and climbed on top of her as she lay on the extremely comfortable bed. I connected our lips as I straddled her waist. I bit down on her lips softly but just enough for her to release a soft moan. I gently slipped my tongue into her mouth and she massaged my tongue with her own. I moved down to her neck as I sucked on the sensitive skin on her neck. I fiddled with the material on the bottom of her shirt. I lifted it up and pulled the shirt off of her and threw it to the floor. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw it. The bump. Our baby.

“Babe, is something wrong?” She asked looking up self-consciously.

“Nothing you’re beautiful as always but look, you have a bump.” I reassured. She just smiled and happily reattached our lips.

“We made that.” She said proudly. My grin grew wider.

“We did and I think we did a f*cking good job too. We’re practically magic.” She giggled at my immaturity.

“We are magic babe” She said playing along. I hummed in agreement and continued kissing her neck while placing my hands on her bump.



I had just finished my shower and realized I left my phone in the bathroom. Since Y/N always showered after me she was changing for her shower. I just assumed she would have already been in the shower. She wasn’t.

“CAL! What the hell?!” She screeched. She was completely topless but she still had her underwear. I had seen my wife naked plenty of times but something was different. I mean she was still sexy as hell, but wait- she had a bump. That’s it! A baby bump!

“Sorry, I left my phone but babe, you have a bump!” I squealed happily. She removed her hands from her boobs and stared into the mirror.

“Oh my god! I do! Wait no, this means I’m getting fat and that means people are gonna find out. What in the hell are we going to do. I don’t-” I interrupted her worried rant by engulfing her in a hug and rubbing her back up and down.

“Babe, calm down! First of all, you’re not fat. You’re carrying a freaking baby hun. You’re going to gain a little weight. I don’t mind! I mean look at your boobs hun! They’re f*cking amazing!” She giggled and nodded in agreement.

“Secondly, we can’t keep this a secret forever. People are going to wonder why I’m carrying around a child that looks like a blend of my wife and I. We’ll let everyone know on twitter later. I’m sure they’ll be fine. They were so happy when we got married. Everything will be okay. I promise” I kissed her forehead and kept rubbing my hands over our growing baby.



Y/N and I were falling asleep after a long show. I was exhausted and about to fall asleep. We always fell asleep in spooning position (what can I say? I looove cuddles) and like every night since I found out she had our baby in her belly, I kept my hands firmly on my wife’s stomach. I liked feeling like I was protecting the two of them. I know she did too. For the past few weeks all I had felt was her flat toned tummy. But, tonight I felt something. There was a slope to her tummy. A small one, but a bump all the same. My little baby was growing!

“Y/N?” I whispered quietly to see if she was awake.

“Lukey?” She asked in her cute soft sleepy voice.

“You have a bump.”

“I know, I noticed it this morning. Little Hemmings is growing fast babe. He or She is probably going to be a awkward giraffe like his or her daddy.” I laughed at the thought. It made me really happy to think about what our baby would look like.

“Maybe he or she will be freakishly short like his or her mummy.” I giggled.

“Nah, this child is in my tummy and it definitely does not have my height genes babe. This is most certainly a Hemmings.” I have a baby. We made a baby. Something that is half me and half her. That is all I ever wanted.

“I love you. Thank you for giving me this.” I said slowing getting sleepy again.

“Hey, I couldn’t have done it without you.” She joked. And with that we both fell into a peaceful and much needed sleep.

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