#7 Gender Reveal

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#7 Gender Reveal



You and Ashton were finally going to find out the gender of your baby today. You had been sitting in the waiting room for only ten minutes, though it felt like ten hours, before a nurse called you back. The doctor applied the cold gel to your belly before starting the ultrasound.

“Everything looks healthy, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin! Would you like to know the gender?” The doctor asked.

“Yes!” Ashton blurted out. The doctor just laughed at how excited the two of you are. Ashton gave your hand a reassuring supportive squeeze. The doctor squinted at the screen while moving the wand over your stomach.

“Well, it looks to me, like little Irwin is a little girl.” Ashton smiled so widely and kissed your cheek. You guys walked out of the doctor’s office and into the parking lot. Ash picked you up and spun you around. Then, he loudly screamed for anyone in a thousand kilometer radius to hear. “I’M HAVING A BABY GIRL!!!” You had never seen him so happy in the entire time you knew him.


7.2 DA NOSE (Mikey lol, i just really love his nose)

All the boys and their families were over at you and Mike’s place for the reveal party. The doctor wrote the gender down in a little envelope because you wanted to wait so that everyone could find out at the same time. Mikey’s parents were here as well for the reveal. You were sitting almost on top of Michael with the envelope in your hands. The two of you opened the envelope backwards so that everyone else could see before you could. Karen’s jaw dropped and rolled her eyes.

“Not another Michael! He was a disaster.” Karen cried. Michael smiled and turned the card over.

IT’S A BOY! - Dr. Lawrence is what the note said.

“A boy.” That was all Michael said before attacking every inch of your face with kisses. You were really happy too. Two little Michaels. That is a whole lot of sass under one roof.


Mali was really excited to find out the gender of her nieces or nephews. She was sure they were girls, but you were picking up a different vibe. Cal really wanted at least one boy to teach how to play bass but most of all to play footie with. He knew he could do that with a girl but he claimed it was a father-son thing. You really wanted a girl but Cal was cuter than you (he’s cuter than everyone) so a little Cal would be adorable. Mali had handed the results the doctor gave for you to a bakery. You wanted cupcakes that had pink or blue frosting in the inside. Nobody knew the results yet but you had just picked up the cupcakes. Calum, Mali and Joy were all sitting on the couch in anticipation holding their cupcakes.

“One, two, THREE!” Mali squealed. You bit into your cupcake and saw that the inside was completely blue. Two boys, dear lord. Two miniature Calums.

“Dangit! I don’t need more Calums! I want a little girl.” Mali whined. You just smiled. The next few years of your life were going to be VERY interesting.

“We can always try again Mal.” Cal said happily. He smiled and gave your bump a kiss. Joy seemed happy too. She was very excited to be a grandmum.


7.4 LEGS (obvi it’s luke)

You were in the doctor’s office and unfortunately Luke was on tour. He told you to find out anyway and call him immediately after. The doctor quickly informed you that little hemmo was going to be a girl. Luke was right, for once. At least you wouldn’t have to return all the pink stuff. To be honest you were really excited to have a girl and you knew that Luke would be the best dad. You quickly called up Luke.

“Hello? Babe what is it what is it what is it?” He was really excited to find out but he was also really annoying.

“You were right.” You grumbled. He started screaming at anyone who would listen. That mostly meant the boys.

“SHE’S A GIRL, I’M GONNA HAVE A BABY GIRL!” He sounded so incredibly happy.

“Yeah Luke, you’re going to have a little girl.” You softly said tears slowly coming on.

“I can’t wait to come see my two girls. Woah, I love saying that. My two baby girls.” You could hear him softly crying now.

“I miss you Lukey.” You said full on crying now.

“I wish I could be there baby. I really do. I hate leaving you and our little girl. I really do.” Luke really missed you, but he was very happy that he was right.  

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