#9 Nursery

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#9 Nursery



You were at the store, shopping for Amanda’s nursery. You had already picked out a white wood crib and lilac bedding. You guys had decided on lilac varnish for the wall. Ashton was running around the store picking out plushed animals.

“Ash, she’s a baby! She doesn’t need all those toys.”

“Of course she does. She’s my princess!” The baby wasn’t even here yet, and Ashton found a way to spoil her rotten. He had picked out the changing table and bookshelf as well as a billion toys.

“Let me pick out something.” You whined.

“No, babe you’re awful at making decisions. I love you, but now more than ever your brain is a little mushy. I’m just trying to do this in the easiest way possible.” He said gently kissing your forehead. He was right. You had a bad case of pregnancy brain. You were awful about making decisions and often regretted them.

“Can I at least help you carry some of that stuff to the car?” You asked even though you knew it was hopeless. Ash wouldn’t let you carry your own handbag, much less a packaged crib. Ash just looked at you with a sympathetic look.

“Babe, you know I can’t let you do that.”

“I know. I know. I’ll be in the car. Love you.” You said and then kissed his cheek and headed off to the car for a much needed nap. You dreamed of Ashton rocking your little Mandy to sleep in a beautiful lilac nursery.



Michael was really lazy. He always has been, that was no surprise. When it came to your son’s nursery, he didn’t really change. You tried to get his opinion on varnish swatches, cribs, patterns, anything really but he kept just nodding his head and staring at the telly. He did like to pick out toys that he thought were “badass” and cool. Mostly just stuff he liked to play with. So, he let you do the decorating and since you were too pregnant to put everything together you all hired a contractor. Typical Mikey.

When the contractor was finished, you and Michael went up to the nursery to see the finished project. It was a light green and covered with dinosaurs. Michael specifically requested dinosaurs. The crib was a bright green with dino bedding. Everything was really cute and you were really happy with the finished project. You walked over to the cushy rocking chair and sat down. Since your bump had grown, your feet were incredibly sore. Michael smiled at the sight of his wife in the rocking chair where she would rock his child to sleep at night. He felt very blessed in that moment to have such a beautiful growing family that he could call his own.



Cal was determined to be a “hands on dad” so designing and building the nursery was the first step of his “best dad ever” mission. He wouldn’t let you do anything, not even pick out fabrics. You didn’t mind considering you were pregnant with twins and required regular napping. He rushed boxes and paint inside the house for weeks and refused to let you open the door to the nursery. Mali and Joy kept you entertained with movie marathons and pedicures.

Calum finally told you he was done. The proud look on his face warmed your heart. He kept his hands over your eyes and walked you to the nursery. He opened the door and removed his hands from your eyes. The sight in front of you brought tears to your eyes.

The nursery was a pale blue. On either side of the room there was a white crib with little boy blue sailboat quilts. There were mobiles that imitated soft waves with boats in them above both cribs. In the corner, there was a bookshelf filled with classic children’s books. On the floor, there was a rocking chair and little plush puppies. It was a beautiful sight to see. You loved knowing that this room would be the room that your little boys would grow up in.


Luke was so excited for Piper to come. The nursery looked like a fluffy and pink explosion. Luke spent almost all of his time in there. He liked when you were there too so that the two of you could talk about all the stuff you would do when Piper came. It was a total mess in there, but that was just how you and luke were: messy. Liz kept on coming over and cleaning it up but somehow it always got messy again. Luke loved to do his songwriting in the nursery as well. He would sing to your baby bump. You hated when he did that. Piper always started kicking like crazy when she heard her daddy’s voice. You would have to tell him to stop because it would get to painful.

Essentially, you and Luke spent all your time as a family in the room. It became a happy reminder that the little pitter patter of little hemmo’s feet would soon fill the halls of your flat. The nursery still needed some finishing touches, but it wasn’t about what it looked like to you, it was about what it represents.

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