#13 Contractions (Labour part 1)

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#13 Contractions (Labour part 1)


13.1 Ash

Ashton has been constantly watching over you since you announced your pregnancy. Even when you first started dating, he was protective over you. Ash is a territorial guy and he likes to have you to himself. In the last few weeks of your pregnancy, he would rarely leave you alone. Sometimes, it could get a little annoying. You were stressed and were in desperate need of alone time so when the boys invited Ash out for some last minute fun before the baby comes, you urged him to go.

6 PM

“Go babe, you haven’t seen them in a while. I’ll be fine.” You said while lounging on the couch eating random cravings.

“I just don’t want anything to happen to you.” He replied worriedly.

“I’m just gonna watch some reality tv, don’t worry.” He started to calm down a bit.

“Alright, but only for a few hours. I love you both.” He leaned down to kiss the top of your huge belly.

9 PM

While watching season 4 of Friends, you started to feel a tightening in the bottom of your stomach. You had felt some little fake contractions before so you weren’t worried. The baby wasn’t due for another few weeks. It happened again about thirty minutes later. When you looked down, you saw the dampness of the blanket. Your water had broke. You knew you had to call Ash. There was no way you were driving yourself to the hospital alone. You didn’t even have a bag packed.


Ashton’s POV

As soon as my phone rang, I jumped. I have had this feeling all night that something bad would happen, though the baby isn’t due for another month. I answered the phone immediately. The boys chuckled as I stumbled over the answer button. They always tease me about being over-protective. I don’t really mind because my girls are my everything.

“Hello, babe what’s wrong?” I asked hurriedly.

“Nothing exactly. But could you come home?” I knew she was hiding something.

“Of course but why? Is something the matter?” I questioned. She wasn’t being completely honest.

“It’s not a big deal, but my water broke.” She said in a stressed voice.

“Oh my dear lord, I’m coming as soon as I can. HOLY FUCK I’M GONNA BE A DADDY!” I could hear her groan over the phone. The boys started to pay the check getting the message. They sure as hell weren’t gonna miss the birth of their godbaby either. I hung up the phone and dialed my mum’s number.

“Mum, Amanda’s coming.” My mum has been preparing for this moment for years. She even had us move back to Sydney, which Y/N was more against. The truth is that I’m really happy Mandy will be raised back home. My mum responded quickly and is on the way to our house to get Y/N ready.


13.2 Michael

We were just lazily sleeping in on a tuesday morning. Y/N was due last week so we haven’t bothered to go out. We’re naturally lazy anyway so this wasn’t awfully different from our usual days. All of a sudden I felt something wet touch my leg. I shook Y/N from her sleep.

“Babe, did you wee yourself?” I asked. She just groaned. I shook her again.

“No, did you?” She asked groggily. I shook my head.

“Wait, did your water just break?” Her eyes widened. Without a word said I started shoving things into bags. (We are really the organised type) I insisted on carrying her into the car, like a good husband. She just laughed. We sped to the hospital. When we got there the lady stared at us like we were absolutely mad. These are the times when I forget I have neon coloured hair.

A/N: Sorry this is short, I love Mikey but I can’t see him really freaking out or doing anything different in this situation.



Calum had been very protective and wary as were you over your twins. The doctor said that even though the babies appear healthy, it’s always a good idea to induce labour so that they can monitor it at the hospital. This way, they will be ready if you need an emergency c-section. You were very scared, considering you have never given birth before and you were about to do it twice. Today was the day you were going to be induced. You were scared out of your mind. Cal was always by your side comforting you on the way to the hospital. Even though he was trying to stay brave for you, you could tell he was worried sick. When you got to the hospital, the nurse took you in and gave you your injection. Now all you had to do was wait.

A/N: I the idea for this scenario of the american vlogger It’s Judy’s Life. She had twins and this is how she delivered them. The whole video is up on YouTube.



Luke’s POV

I was rushing off the plane from L.A. Y/N called me hurriedly hours ago saying that she was going to labour. That plane ride was the longest of my life. I was worried the entire time. Not to mention my mum kept texting me that I was a horrible father if I missed the birth of my baby girl. I couldn’t agree more. Y/N, like the angel she is, was trying to keep our girl in there a little longer. I rushed as fast as I could through Heathrow as fast as I could to reach my girls. I arrived at the hospital and started to sprint to the maternity wing.

(A/N: Sorry Luke’s was short but I promise the next pref will be so cute for Luke :))

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