#11 Feeling a kick

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#11 Feeling a kick


11.1 Ash

Ashton had just come home from tour. It was a short month long excursion around australia, so he was never too far away from home. You had grown a bit since he last saw you so you missed him so fucking much. Ashton insisted that you couldn’t meet him at the airport due to your pregnancy. He had become very protective over you since you first told him. He wanted to keep his two favourite girls safe. You thought it was adorable how much he cared about his baby. You had made his favourite meal ready on the table and you even bought a new dress to fit your growing bump. You heard a knock on your front door and immediately opened the door with a smile on your face. On the other side, was your dorky husband dressed in his usual band tee and skinny jeans. He smiled widely and showcased his world famous giggle as he engulfed you in a hug. He picked you up and spun you around while pressing his lips firmly to yours. You smiled through the kiss and pulled away. He bent down onto his knees and kissed your belly.

“Hello Mandy Dandy, how are you doing in mummy’s tummy? Your daddy missed you a lot. I hate to be away from you and mummy.” Almost instantly Amanda started kicking wildly just from the sound of her daddy’s voice. She had kicked before but not before Ashton left. His eyes lit up and he started to giggle.

“Already a daddy’s girl.” He said happily with a proud smile on his face. He was already such a good father. The two of you spent the rest of the night eating dinner and making up for lost time.


11.2 Michael

Michael was spending his day off playing video games, typical Michael. You sat in between his legs cuddling into his torso. Days like this were your absolute favourite. The two of you were both very lazy and loved to spend the day in eating and watching t.v. Michael was playing GTA V and had just stolen a car.  

“Fuck yeah! Fuck you! That’s right, run away from the car. You little fucker.” He yelled happily. Immediately Mason started kicking.

“Michael, Michael look!” You yelled excitedly. You moved his hand of the playstation controller and onto your tummy.

“Babe, what the fu-. Wait, is that-” He stopped, just enjoying the moment. Michael rarely cried, but when he felt his little boy kick for the first time, he justified the right to cry.

“We made that.” He said looking into your eyes.

“Yeah.” You were lost for words.

“I love you. And you.” He kissed you and then your bump. That day off became a lot more memorable after you and Mike felt Mason kick.


11.3 Cal

Calum had come home. He had gotten into a guilty habit of going shopping and coming home with a shit ton of stuff the babies didn’t need or wouldn’t be able to use for years.

“Cal. What the hell did you get this time.” You groaned. He walked through the front door holding dozens of shopping bags.

“Just a few things for my little hoods.” That was his usual answer.

“How much of that did we need?” You asked teasingly.

“Woman, I work for my money and I’m gonna spend it on my baby childs.” He giggled.

“Cal, I love you. But, we are going to run out of room for all of this stuff.” You said exasperatedly.

“But look at these mini footie uniforms. I’ll coach their footie team!” He squealed happily. You were about to argue that they won’t be able to walk for quite some time but then you felt something move in your tummy. One of the twins kicked!

“Cal, I think they really are going to be football players. They’re kicking!” Calum dropped the bags and ran to your side. He place his large hands over your bump and the other twin started kicking from his touch.

“They’re quite aggressive. Aren’t they?” He giggled. You smiled and winced in pain from the two hyper fetuses inside your belly.

“Aww guys I love your fascination with football. I really do, but you’re hurting mummy. Save those strong kicks for the field fellas.” You smiled at how cute he is.


10.4 Lucifer

It was a lazy sunday afternoon. Luke was working on some songs for the band. You were reading a parenting book while listening to the strumming of the guitar. As soon as he started to sing you felt a painful and wonderful sensation. Piper kicked.

“Luke! She’s kicking!”

“Piper! Finally! It took you long enough!” He joked. He snuggled into your side and rubbed your belly.

“She’s just shy like her daddy. She does seem to love her daddy’s voice though. She starting kicking as soon as you started to sing.” You said quietly looking up into Luke’s beautiful blue eyes. You really hoped Piper looked a lot like Luke.

“Maybe she’ll have a pretty singing voice.” He said while smiling at the thought.

“I think she will. I can tell she’s gonna be a lot like her daddy.” Luke smiled.

“You think so?” He looked so proud.

“I know so.” You connected your lips and placed your hand over his which rested on top of your stomach.   

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