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going a bit over 100 parts...
disclaimer: i don't exactly know how court sessions work as well as i should. self explanatory here...

Court day comes faster than expected. Liam (the hot sexy lawyer who I will lose my v-card to) already has our argument planned out, and we'll be helping him as witnesses.

Maybe this time I won't go all daddy kink on him.

I didn't meet Niall and Liam for lunch after my stupid outburst. I couldn't even look at myself after that.

The police came in with Harry in handcuffs and that dreadful orange jumpsuit. It wasn't the colour or the style that made it sickening, it was just that Harry was wearing it.

I squeezed Niall's hand when he squeezed mine. I knew this was hurting him more than me.

Liam came in through the front door, hair perfectly styled, a button down with a tie fitting his torso perfectly, and gorgeous dress pants tugging at his legs and butt in the perfect places.

The word perfect is being overused but who even cares it's Liam.

I would sell my soul to Nathan from The Wanted in order to rip those pants off Liam's body and suck his hard dick.

Stop it, don't get horny in front of the judge.

Once Zayn and his stupid ass lawyer came in, the session could begin.

Zayn got to start off, considering he was the accuser. All he talked about was how he had a "sneaking suspicion" that Harry was doing something wrong, so he followed him around after school and saw him with people, passing around bags of illegal drugs.

His lawyer also showed us a picture of what was claimed to be Harry sniffing some pot or something.

"Now, Mr. Styles' case. Mr Payne, you, along with witnesses Mr. Horan and Tomlinson are supporting the assumption that Mr. Styles is not guilty?"

"Yes your honor," Liam stood up and I watched how his ass moved when he walked. Damn.

Liam began to discuss the idea that Harry was not the one who handled the drugs, that he wasn't even near them. That instead, Harry's job was to suggest who he was working for. He talked about how Niall and Harry were dating and Niall was warned about Harry's job, and how he didn't handle the illegal substances.

"Therefore, I think that a punishment such as six months in jail is unnecessary. A fine or even community service would be much more appropriate."

"Mr. Payne, you hold a good case here, but how do you explain the photographs taken by Mr. Malik?"

Liam's face fell, and for the first time ever, I made a mental note.

Never make Liam frown. It looks horrible.

Only if there was a way I could help...

Wait one damn second.

I'm a Directioner. What the fuck am I doing sitting in a chair?

"Permission to speak, your honor?" I stood up and everyone in the room had their eyes locked on me.

"Permission granted..." she said. I stood up and walk by Liam, who is utterly shocked as well.

"May I see the photographs "taken" by Zayn please?"

The lights dimmed and the projector turned on again. The picture was of Harry sniffing something in a plastic bag.

Come on Tomlinson, there's gotta be something, something. Harry doesn't sniff shit.


I see it now.

"Your honor, these photos are altered. Zayn photoshopped them."

"Who do you think you are weasel--"

"Mr. Malik, control your temper. Mr. Tomlinson, continue please."

"Your honor," I sighed, "I've seen many photoshopped manips, and I know one when I see one. Do you see these lines around 'Harry's head'?"

She nodded.

"Zayn copied, pasted, and blended a picture the back of his head and placed it in all these photographs."

The jury was surprised at my catch and I was proud. Yes, bow down to your ruler.

"Mr. Tomlinson, I believe you've closed this case without me even doing so. Mr. Styles will be freed today with a €2,000 fine."

The courtroom emptied out and Liam was in front of me almost immediately.

"How did you know the picture was photoshopped?"

I shrugged,

"It's a Directioner thing."

Liam smirked and leaned in so close I almost collapsed.

"Well daddy's very proud of his little boy."

My heart dropped like a ton of bricks as Liam walked away. Oh my fucking god.

I must be dancing with Jesus because I'm on top of the world.

And horny.

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