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*next day: Friday*

"Isabelle please come to the party tonight" Isabelle's best and realist friend Lilia pleads from the phone interrupting her and Corbyn cuddling

Lilia is the one person who has been with Isabelle almost as long as Corbyn.

In the beginning freshman year Isabelle and Lilia were nobodies literally no one knew them a teacher literally asked them if they were new halfway through the year

They were tired of no one knowing them so they signed up for everything they could. And that paid off they got into everything and quickly became what people call the most popular girls

Lilia and Jonah have a small thing going on. They both have HUGE crushes on one another but never do anything about it except for flirt.

Lilia is different than Isabelle because she cares more about what people think.

Isabelle could care less if she stops being popular, she doesn't need anything or anyone but Corbyn.

However Lilia loves being popular and would care a lot if she stopped being one of the popular ones

"I'm sorry but I'm not going. I went two weeks ago"

"Exactly two weeks what are you doing that's better than this party"

"Corbyn. Corbyn is better than the party."

"You're always with him"

"Yeah that's what happens when you have a boyfriend that's as cute as him"

"Ugh I wish I had a relationship like you guys"

"Aka Jonah"

"And that's where this conversation ends good night Isabelle"

"Aw you're in lo-" before she could finish her sentence Lilia hangs up

"What was that about" Corbyn asks

"She wants me to go to this party but I said no"

"You should go" Corbyn says his face becoming sad

"I don't want to"

"Why not?"

"Cause I want to be with you." She moves a strand of his hair that has fallen in his face

"I love you"

"I love you too" she kisses him and he smiles widely


"What" she laughs

"Kiss me"

"You're adorable" she smiles and kisses him again

"Can I ask a question"

"Sure go ahead"

"Why do you like me? I'm weird"

"Oh Corbyn you are not weird."

"Yes I am everyone tells me"

"Well you're not so don't listen to them"

"But if everyone says it so it must be true"

"Hey don't listen to them. The only opinions that matter are yours and mine okay"

"But I think I'm weird"

"Well in that case my opinion is the only one that matters and I don't think you're weird so you're not okay"


Corbyn yawns but tries to hide it cause he knows if Isabelle sees him yawn she'll make him sleep. And Corbyn doesnt want to sleep not with Isabelle awake. He doesn't want to miss one second.

"Aw you're tired let's sleep"

"Wait no"


"I don't want to sleep" he complains like a child

"You have to you have therapy in the morning and you have to be well rested"

"UGH I don't want to go" Corbyn rolls off the bed hitting the floor


"What!!!" He starts to roll around on the floor leaving Isabelle very confused

"What are you doing" she laughs

"Waking myself up"

"And I'm suddenly rethinking my opinion of you not being weird"

"It's not weird it's fun try"

"No no I rather not. Okay get up here and sleep"


"Pleeeeease" She asks knowing he'll give in eventually


Corbyn gets up and lays back down

"Well great now I can't sleep" Corbyn complains mentally hitting himself at his stupidness for waking himself up

"Do you want me to read to you"


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