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It's been two months since Isabelle got in the hospital and today's her last day

She is leaving later on in the day so for the morning she asked if she could hang out with her doctor

"So you're leaving tonight"

"Yup I'm so excited"

"I'm glad you're better but I'll miss my favorite patient"

"I'll miss my favorite doctor by the way you never told me your name"

"It's Chris"

"Oh, I like that."

"It's kinda annoying cause well you know my last name but the name Chris Cameron doesn't sound good"

"I like it I also have a names as my last"

"Oh yeah. By the way, I bought you a gift"


"Yup let me go get it"


He leaves the room and comes back with crutches for Isabelle decorated with all her favorite things that she's told him about


"I knew you'd like it"

"Thank you so much"

"Of course I figured you'll be using it a lot so it should look nice"

"Thank you again"

"Just promise me you won't get hit by any more cars"

"I'll try not to"
It's finally time for her to go home and her dad checks her out of the hospital

"Well it was fun but you have to go now"

"Aw man I wish I was sad but I'm not. Is it unprofessional to hug you"

"Maybe but I'll miss you so I don't care"

They hug and he gives her his number

"If you ever need a doctor immediately give me a call. Or just text me in general"

"Oh I am definitely texting you right as I get in the car"

"Oh no what did I do"

"Be prepared for a spam of me"

"How fun. But in all seriousness, I'll miss you bothering me"

"I'll miss bothering you"

They hug one last time and she walks out of the hospital with her dad

"Are you excited to be home"

"Super excited except now I can't drive"

"Don't worry I'll drive you everywhere you need to go"

"Thank you you're the best father ever"

"And you're the best daughter ever"

They get home and walk in

As soon as they get in everyone from inside the house jumps from where they were hiding and yell "surprise"


She looks around and sees all her family, Corbyn and Jonah, and in the corner her brother

She gasps and runs (the best she can with the crutches) over to him

She crushes him in a hug and he stumbles back

"Woah someone's happy"

"I thought you still had a year left in jail"

"Yeah I did but after the car hit you, the driver felt super bad and gave mom and dad a lot of money that was enough to pay for my bail with extra money enough to pay the hospital bills"

"Are you here forever"

"As long as I don't get arrested again"

"How old are you anyways"



"Oh shut up"

She hugs him one last time and walks around to everyone else

"Im so happy you're better," Corbyn says hugging her

"I'm so happy too"

Right after Jonah comes over to the two hand in hand with Lilia

"Hey so you're together I see," Isabelle says

"Oh yeah"

"I'm sorry but why are you here. You haven't talked to me in 4 months why are you randomly here. Shouldn't you be with Reyna"

"Me and Jonah were hanging out and he brought me"

"I knew this was going to happen but I had a sliver of hope that you would be here for me you know your best friend of 17 years I guess I shouldn't assume you were that good of a person" Isabelle walks away from them and goes over to her family

"She hates me," Lilia says to Jonah

"You did randomly stop talking to her for a while it's going to be hard for her to like you again"

"I just miss my best friend" she starts tearing up and Jonah pulls her into his chest

"Shh it's okay"

"I didn't want to hurt her"

"I know you didn't but you have to see her side. She needed someone and you stopped talking to her for the girl who ruined everything"

"Will she ever be my friend again"

"It will be hard but I'm sure she will come around"

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