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"Oh my god are you okay" her dad says extremely worried

"I'm fine I promise"

"But your leg"

"Okay well I'm physically not okay but other than that I am."

"Isabelle what were you thinking running out of the house. I understand you couldn't watch what was happening but you can't run in the street. Did I not teach you anything when you were little. Do not cross the road without looking both ways" her mom says shaking her head

"I don't mean to be rude but I just got hit by a car and I have a broken leg in 4 places and a concussion so please save the lecture for when I'm not in a hospital bed"

"Sorry I'm just trying to understand why you would do this"

"Can we talk about it later my head hurts and I just want to sleep"

She puts the hospital sheets over her head and falls asleep

"please tell us everything" her dad, who is the most worried about her says frantically to Corbyn

Isabelle and her dad have an extremely close relationship.

When Isabelle was 12 her mom and dad were fighting a lot so they lived in separate houses until they got better which lasted about 2 years until they got back together on her 14th birthday. The whole time she decided to live with her dad and let's just say her mom wasn't that happy about it.

"Don't be mad please"

"I won't be mad just please tell the truth. Just say what happened from right before she ran out okay"

Corbyn tells her dad everything and is scared he's going to hit him so he blocks his face

"Corbyn what are you doing"

"I don't want you to hit me"

"I'm not going to hit you don't worry"

"A-are you sure" he slowly moves his hands and looks at her dad

"I'm sure"
After two hours of being at the hospital the doctor comes in and wakes up Isabelle to check on her head and leg

"We'll be back tomorrow night" her mom tells her

"Wait you aren't staying"

"We can't we have work tomorrow"

"Can't you take the day off."

"I'm sorry honey but no"

"But you're the boss im sure they won't miss you for one day and I'm in the hospital you-you aren't going to just take one day off for me. They'll understand"

"I can't it's a busy day tomorrow"

"Fine go But don't expect me to let you in the room tomorrow"


"No leave you have to sleep so you can get to work on time"

She turns away from her mom and with a sigh her mom leaves

"I'll be here don't worry" her dad tells her


She hugs him and he leaves

"I called my mom and she said I could stay overnight if you want me too"

"Really" she asks happily


"Okay well come on in" she moves over in the bed and let's him lay down

"I love you" Corbyn whispers to her as she cuddles with him

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