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"I am so proud of you Corbyn for sticking up for yourself"

"Was I too mean"


"But she was hurt"

"I hate to break it to you but she was just trying to make you feel bad for what you said. Don't worry about her."

"But I feel bad for yelling"

"Corbs you are a great guy for feeling bad about that but she deserved it"

"I guess"

"Corbyn she kissed you so she could get a reaction out of Isabelle. And she got one. Isabelle got hit by a car because of Reyna. You had all the right to yell at her"

They get to the hospital and Corbyn walks as fast as he can inside

"Isabelle Grace if I said something different as the last name before sorry it's grace now"

"Are you family"

"I-im her boyfriend"

"Okay please wait in the waiting room she's being worked on now"

"D-do you know what happened"

"I believe she has a broken leg and a concussion"


"But she'll be okay don't worry. Can you call her parents"


Corbyn and Jonah get to the waiting room and call her mom

"Hey Corbyn is everything okay"

"Yeah but um Isabelle is in the hospital. She got hit by a car. The receptionist said she has a broken leg and concussion"

"Oh my god how did it happen"

"My new awful awful girlfriend started kissing me and she ran out of my house. I ran and yelled for her to watch out for the car but she already got hit. I am so so so so so so so sorry"

"It's okay she's alive don't worry"

"But still I was the reason"

"Honey you weren't the reason okay"

"I guess"

"Seriously Corbyn Don't worry about it. We are coming to the hospital now okay"

"Okay I'm sorry again"

"Please stop apologizing"

"Sor- I mean uh okay bye"

Corbyn hangs up the phone and waits for the doctors to come out

"She's going to be okay" Jonah whispers noticing how tense Corbyn is

"I'm just so scared" he starts to cry and Jonah pulls him into a hug

"Hey it's okay"

"It's all my fault"

"It is not your fault at all don't say that"


"Corbyn no. It is not your fault and if you say it again I won't hesitate to slap you"

"Okay" he wipes his tears and slumps in his seat

After much painful waiting the doctor comes and calls for Isabelle's family

Her parents got stuck in traffic but they are on the way

Corbyn walks up to the doctor and tells him he's here for her and that he's her boyfriend.

He takes Corbyn to her room and discusses the situation

"So she got pretty badly hit by the car in her leg and she suffered a great fall which we assume happened from the impact of her hitting the ground when it hit her. She has a minor concussion so we guess that she didn't fall that hard on to her head. Also her leg is broken in 4 places. She will have a cast on her leg for just a few months but a boot for a while and her concussion will last about 6 months. During the first 3 months we advise her to sleep and stay away from all electronic devices. That includes T.V, laptop, phone, anything. Also for her leg she should keep it elevated. She will be out of school for 3 months so she can get used to walking with her leg and that is when concussions are usually started the actual healing process. Also we're going to have to keep her here for 4 weeks because that is the most sensitive and important time of concussions"

"But is she okay?"

"Yes she is sleeping right now but you may go in"

"Okay thank you"

The doctor opens the door for him and he walks in

When he walks in Isabelle is sleeping with a white cloth around her head and her leg elevated with a black cast all the way up to her thigh

He wants to cry at the sight but he holds it together and sits next to her

He gently holds her hand and kisses it

Isabelle opens her eyes and looks at Corbyn

"Hi" she drowsily says with a smile

"Hi I am so so so so so sorry"

"It's not your fault it's all your girlfriends fault. I don't think I can ever be her friend"

"Oh don't worry about her I broke up with her"

"But didn't you like her"

"No not at all"

"Corbyn can we be together again please. I love you so much and I really want you. I need you right now. I need someone other then my parents. I have no one. Literally no one who cares about me. Ple-"

"Shhh you're getting worked up. And yes of course please I was going to ask you today."

"Yay" she gets excited but it quickly turns to pain

"OW" she yells clutching her head

"What happened!!!" Corbyn says worringly

"My head it hurts a lot" she tries to hold in her tears but she can't it she just has to let it out

"Hey don't cry"

"I have to it hurts so much"

"It's going to be okay" he kisses her forehead and she smiles

"Thank you"

"Does it feel better"

"A little"

"Oh i forgot to tell you your parents are coming but they're stuck in traffic"

"That's okay you're here"

"I missed you"

"I missed you too. Can you kiss me please I haven't kissed you in so long"

He laughs and kisses her for a few seconds but she pulls him back to kiss her longer

"it's been too long" she says letting Corbyn breathe

"I know it felt refreshing"



They make small talk catching up on everything they missed and Isabelle's parents finally make it to the hospital

They get in the room as fast as they can and see Isabelle

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