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Corbyn wakes up early for his therapy and kisses Isabelle's forehead to wake her up

"Oh hey what time is it" Isabelle asks seeing Corbyn fully dressed

"7 A.M. Im going to therapy and then I'll be back at 8 you can sleep and when I come back we can cuddle"

"Okay well have a good time"

"Thank you"

"Bye cutie"

Corbyn giggles at his favorite nickname and leaves his room
When he gets to the therapist office he sits in the waiting room playing with his finger nails

"I'll be here at 8 come to the car as soon as you're done. Okay have fun" His mom kisses his forehead and leaves the office

"Corbyn Besson" Corbyns therapist Christina Harris calls for him

"Right here" Corbyn shouts and waves

"Come on in"

He gets up from his chair with a spring in his step and walks into her room.

He plops himself cris-cross on her couch

"Someone's happy today"


"So why are you so happy?"

"Well I don't mean to be mean but I can't wait for after this is over because I get to go home and be with my girlfriend" he smiles to himself at the thought of going home and seeing Isabelle's beautiful face

"What's her name"


"Sounds cute"

"She is. She's the cutest, prettiest, most beautiful, adorable, nicest, smartest, amazingest even though it's not a word, girl in the whole wide universe and that's a lot"

"Wow you must really love her"

"I really do"

"Does she feel the same"

"Yeah I hope at least"

"Does she act like it"


"Do you have any doubt that she might ever cheat on you"


"Just asking"

"Well no we've been together for a while I doubt she'd ever cheat"

"Would you ever cheat"


"Corbyn calm down I was just asking"

"Yeah but I'd never cheat and it makes me frustrated that you'd ask something like that"

"Okay i know what we need to work on"

"You not asking questions about me and my girlfriend"

"No actually we need to work on your anger. When things don't go your way or someone says something you don't like you can't get mad and lash out at them. You just have to stay calm and listen"

"But if I don't get mad then they won't know not to do it again"

"That is actually very wrong. You just have to tell them very calmly. For example, for when I asked if you'd ever cheat on her you could've simply said 'I don't feel comfortable answering that' or 'I wouldn't do that and I'd appreciate if you didn't ask questions about that topic' you didn't have to raise your voice"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't worry about it. How about this I'll give you different situations and you tell me how you'll react"

"I guess"

"Okay let's start. You want to stay home from school and your mom won't let you"

"Well that won't happen cause I like school so whyyy would I ever want to not go"

"Okay um new situation. You want to go on vacation but your mom says no"

"Well you see I don't really like vacations anyways. I have everything I need here why would I leave. Also my mom loves vacations therefore she'd say yes"

"Okay we'll try again. You want a new book-"

"-probably already have it"

"A person accidentally-"

"-accidentally? Hm as long as they apologize"

"This is not going to work if you don't cooperate and pretend these are possibilities"

"Wellll maybe if you had good examples"

"What's up with you today? You're acting out."

"I'm actually very happy thank you very much"

The therapy session goes on and they barely make any progress. By the end Christina got so annoyed that she made him take a nap.

"Wake up its over" Christina says poking Corbyn

"Yay bye"

He rushes out of the room happy to go see Isabelle

"Hey" he says getting in his moms car

"Christina called me. She told me you weren't cooperating"

"Ugh she's so annoying"

"What did she do"

"She asked if I would ever cheat on Isabelle and I got mad"

"Seriously Corbyn. You can't get mad at things like that"

"I know but it's too late"

"Just don't let it happen again okay"


Corbyn gets home and runs up to his room jumping on top of Isabelle waking her up

"Wake up wake up wake up" he yells until she wakes up

"Hi" he says when she opens her eyes

"Hey how was it"

"I got mad"

"Oh Corbyn Corbyn Corbyn of course you did. What happened today" Isabelle says laying Corbyn down to play with his hair

"She was being rude about you"


"Yeah she was asking if either of us would cheat on the other and that was just not acceptable at all"

"I'm starting not to like her"

"It's fineeeeeeeeeeeee"

"You just love stretching out your words don't you"

"It's funnnnnnnnn"

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