What Next?

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Letting Pete go and stepping back is one of the hardest things I have had to do in a long time. But even then we could not truly let go. His grip on my hand was tight and I had laced our fingers together making it even harder  to part with him. We couldn't stop staring at each other and I felt everything inside me thundering especially when he ducked his head and blushed as I smiled at him. 

Oh gawd. I_ I swallow because this is not the place to be thinking these thoughts. I have not seen him in 3 years and already I want to devour him. Even after all this time, the baby quality in his face has not changed. It continues to emphasize his handsomeness.

"So are we sticking to the plan Ae? Or did you want to change it. I'm fine either way." Mom interrupts our staring and I sigh. I need to step back even more but I can't quite do it yet.

"We're in the middle of a huge job Pete. I had the day off but half of the team is down with the flu including Boss and since this is my design, I have to step up and deal with it."

"I'm sorry to hear that. You have to go back to work."

"Yes but Pond is there so I have about roughly three hours leeway before I have to head back." I take two of his bags and start moving towards the car. "We had plans to take you to lunch if that's ok."

"That's fine. How is Pond? Is he still the same?" Pete looks at me with a smile and I can tell he is thinking about that crazy guy we both know so well.

"Can he change? That asshole is even worse now since he bought the ring then chickened out at the last second. Idiot." I can't stop complaining about this. Even if I was nervous, I would simply say so. He was down on one knee and everything. I don't get him.

"Oh. What? What ring?" Distracted now, Pete took the other bag and his mom took the last one. He had paid quite a bit of money to get all 4 bags on the plane but it was worth it. Most of his things had been shipped but these held personal gifts and he wanted them close, or so he told me later.

"Are you telling me that Pond wants to get married? Is it to Aim? Please say it's Aim." His eyes are wide in shock and his mouth is slightly parted. I blink because the thought of kissing his is already forefront in my mind. I blink and try to focus on what he's asking me.

"Who else can tolerate him?" I ask because it's true. That quarter Italian guy may be good looking, but after 5 minutes in his company, most women are overwhelmed by him.

"Oh Ae." I look over at Mom who is shaking her head. "You are too hard on him. Pond is a great guy. He just panicked. He'll recover. Did you want to go anywhere specific to eat Pete?"

"Flavors please." Pete says with a smile at his mom then you looks back at me. "What about everyone else? Tell me Ae."

"Well Can and Tin are pretty much married now. Can is working with the national football team as their physical therapist. He's really doing well because he also volunteers at the children's hospital. I'll tell you the story of how he got the job later.  Tin is currently a project manager for his company. It's weird but he wants to work his way up to the position he's supposed to be holding. I agree with him though. It's better to gain the experience and understand the jobs of those working for the company rather than just stepping into his role as heir and then blundering his way through everything."  We step out of the airport and ignore the taxis. The driver is waiting and takes one of the bags from me before leading us to where he has parked. The arrival area is so crowded that the security is insisting that everyone use the parking lot. It helps that they charge parking fines. 

"P'Money is doing his masters in London right now." I continue. "When I told him you were coming home, he freaked out and said he was coming home on his next break. Ai'Sun works in Bangkok with his partner for an engineering firm. Ai'Dear works with us now. Since Last year actually. He is on this project with us but he is also sick. Ai'Diew is in the US on a job but he said to give you a big hug. I'm not though. I'll give you my hugs instead." I smirk over at him.

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