KenoLing Side Story 3

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In which two years fly by in a blur...

Keno opened the door to his room and walked in without looking around. The day wasn't over yet but he felt a keen disappointment rise none the less. It was Thomas' 20th birthday after all. He was supposed to have come home.

He stripped down and headed to the bathroom, taking a long shower before walking out. As soon as he entered his bedroom, he paused. The balcony door was open.

Dressing in sweats and a vest, he strolled out and paused, just taking in the young man before him. The past 2 years had done him well, his body filling out and his face loosing that babyish roundness. He was blessed with his mother's oval face, a more handsome version of her but he did have his father's height and build. 

"When did you arrive?" He asked softly but Tom still heard him clearly and turned and looked at him.

"At 10 this morning. You were in a meeting and I stayed with Mom. She had me for the entire day." Tom grinned and Keno sighed. His mother would do something like that. 

"When do you have to leave?"

"I have a week before I officially start work." Directly from the police training, Thomas had been attending a specialty course regarding forensic investigations with the Asian equivalent of Scotland Yard. He had been working indirectly under someone named Diew. The guy was one of the few Thai members of this organization.

Now that his training was finished, he would be joining the local department as a detective. He had a really great police chief who was very aware of the circumstances of his life and now he had a partner who only cared about his work performance and didn't give a shit about his personal life. 

"Are you going to stay here the entire time?"

"Do you not want me to stay here?" Tom asked with a raised eyebrow, his face suddenly going still.

"That's not what I meant and you know it," Keno huffed. "I just want to know your schedule. I haven't seen you in 2 years. I'm not sure what you_" 

"I intend to spend the entire week here. I don't plan to leave this house, this room for that matter, unless you force me out." Thomas interrupted before walking over. "Aren't you going to hold me?"

Keno stared at Thomas and sighed. "Why is it you always manage to shake me to the core?" He folded the younger into his arms and held on.

"Because, no matter how much you hold on to the words, you know you love me," Tom smiled as he buried his face in Keno's neck, taking in his scent, sharp and spicy yet somehow soothing.

"So what are your intentions?" Keno finally asked after they stood there for the longest time.

"I intend to be yours. I can't make you have sex with me but I intend to try my best to seduce you," There was something to admire in his confidence and Keno felt the walls he kept up crumble into dust in an instant.

"I can't be what you need right now Thomas_"

"I have patience. I know it will take years, but I will be here. I know you Keno. There will come a time when I will have to push you but that time isn't now. Ok?" It was a testament to how well he understood Keno that he could predict their future so easily. 

Keno sighed and pulled Thomas in tighter. "Lets stop talking about this now. I'm tired. I missed you. I want to rest."

Thomas smiled softly and stroked Keno's hair. They stood for a little while longer before Keno finally moved and led them inside. Tom pushed him towards the bed and headed to the shower. He cleaned up and pulled out some cloths for himself. He walked back out, climbed into the bed and snuggled against Keno. He was also dead tired. He had been travelling for a while and then had spent the day with his mother, Tan, his fiance and everyone else she could think of. She knew that the moment Tom went with Keno, she wouldn't see him again for ages so she did her best to get as much time with him as she could. No matter what, she was his mother and he was her baby who needed to be protected.

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