Kara's Revelations

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When I woke it was actually 2 in the afternoon and I wasn't alone. Kara was sitting on the chair facing me, doing something on her phone.

Considering I had finally fallen asleep at 6ish that morning, I was surprised that I woke as early as 2. I still felt exhausted and I had aches and pains from my many hits yesterday that bothered me. 


"Oh! Pete! I didn't want to wake you so I let you sleep late. Are you hungry?"

"Yes I am." I look around for Namia and look back at her.

"Is Namia gone?" I notice her face sort of falls into disappointed lines and I hurry to add: "I'm sort of afraid of her. She hits me."

Now Kara looks extremely worried and shushes me. I fall silent and look down.

"She doesn't mean anything by it Pete. She's not a mean person. It's just that she was abused so she doesn't really know another way to respond."

My mind is blown by this. I understand the words that she says but I don't quite grasp the meaning. How could Namia have been abused? Why would she be abused? Sorry. You must think I'm an idiot but I do know that people can be abused. What I mean is, we may live miles apart but we, as in my social circle, can't keep secrets for shit. I know everything that happens in Dali's home and vice versa until Mom divorced Dad and we pulled away from them. I also know these girls the same way. What possible abuse can she be talking about? Getting a limit on her credit card?

This may seem harsh to you but I remember when Dale thought he was being abused because his parents decided giving him a trip to Paris was like a reward for getting his girlfriend pregnant and forcing her to have an abortion. There was nothing rewarding about that situation so he was forced to work instead.

"I need to use the facilities," I say as I try to digest this situation. My chain is long enough to allow me to bathe, and use the toilet. Unlike Namia, Kara leaves me with the excuse that she is going for food.

I actually use the toilet, brush my teeth and take a shower before she comes back with a mixture of breakfast and lunch things. I only tell her thank you and eat as much of it as I possibly can. I have to keep my strength up. Once I'm finished, I settle myself and watch Kara carefully. She is back on her phone again and this time she seems to be texting furiously. I close my eyes and try to think. 

What would Ae be doing now? Is he frantic? He must be searching for me. Will he even get sufficient clues to find me? Did he call my dad? Are they working together? What about my Mom? I hope she's ok. I think she cried a lot. 

"Pete? I need to ask you something."

"Hum? What is it?"

"How many houses does Ae own?"

"Like all or just the ones he intends to keep?"

"All please."

"Oh well he owns about 17 house spots. I only know about 5 of them. These are the 5 he intends to keep. That's the apartment we partially live in now, the land with the relic on it close to my house, a spot in Japan and 2 adjacent plots on this island but only one has a house on it."

"And those are the ones you know the location of."

"Yes. The others he bought to refurbish and resell. 2 are on the market right now because he's finished with them I think. He uses the company website to post his sales so you can check there." Kara nodded and asked for the web address. Pete easily gave it. She looked on the sight and found the listing as well as one other. It was a diy project offer but Ae hinted that there were other options for land to purchase. He just didn't say what they were. 

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