A Small World

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Tul and Maskal were sitting very comfortably in Keno's office when he walked in. It made him lift an eyebrow but he didn't ask any questions.

"What do I owe this visit Tul?"

"Just wanted to get some money out and a listening ear. Things haven't been doing so well for me."

"I heard. Gathering a nest egg? Going for an extended vacation?"

"I was just talking to Maskal about that. I don't know if I should continue to weather the storm or just leave. What would public opinion be  in a situation like this?"

"Leaving will be a problem after what happened to that boy."

"Boy? Who boy?" For once, Tul looked lost, confirming he really had been keeping his head down. Keno had been studying Tul for a long time. You could see right through his artifice. Tul was as clueless as a lamb seeing a wolf for the first time.

"Pitchaya, the son of that man, was attached in his work parking lot 2 days ago. You really didn't know?"

"Pete was attacked? Shia! What the hell happened?"

Maskal grinned and gave Tul the rundown while Keno looked at some paperwork. Tul was utterly flabbergasted. He had been on a full media ban for days. Everywhere he looked, he had seen Ae facing himself and he wasn't looking like a winner.

"Are there people who think I did it?" Tul swallowed his pride and asked.

"Of course. Your name has been linked to this all over social media." Maskal answered gleefully. Keno looked over gravely. 

"Are you sure you weren't followed coming here?"

Tul immediately picked up the implications of what Keno was saying and sighed.

"I came in through the front and requested a room with some girls and drinks. To everyone watching, I'm just here to unwind. It's not the first time." And when I own this place, it wouldn't be the last either.

Maskal nodded in agreement at his comment and stood. "I'll give you two a chance to chat."

They both watched the door close before Keno turned to look at Tul. "I hope you understand that I am a close friend with that person. We went to school together. We don't do business but we do keep in touch. He has already asked me to monitor what is happening."

"I don't have anything to do with it." Tul swallowed. There were few people in the world he was afraid of. This man was one of them.

"I believe you this time. I'm also telling you something because I think you're making a mistake. The artist. He's just as dangerous as the father. A different kind of danger but no less deadly. If you keep pursuing this, I will cut ties with you and leave you drifting to the wind. I don't want certain people on my door and from what I can see, he has certain people connected to him. The boy himself is nothing to laugh about. His connections are even worse. I am not going to warn you again."

Tul laughed and laughed. "I think your overestimating this guy."

"Yeah. He may not have been able to go toe to toe with that man back then but I believe he can do it now. He might even draw blood."

That whipped the smile off Tul's face immediately.

"You don't realize it but he had the knife up against your back already. Keep doing what you're doing and see how quickly he'll stab you."

Tul swallowed and looked away, signalling the conversation was over. Keno made a noise and a come hither motion with his hands, silently asking Tul to pass his case. They did their transaction silently and Tul walked out without even the usual goodbye. He went back to his room and looked at the girls waiting for him.

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