Rescue Mission Step 1: Analyzing the Enemy and Clearing the Mind

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I didn't go deep into the actual rescue details because I thought I would write it as it happens. So don't worry that you missed anything. Next couple of chapters will be the rescue and return of Pete and all the good juice that goes with it. :) Wish me luck writing it.

The room was filled with some of Ae's most important people. Even Mae and Mom were here though they wouldn't actually be a part of the running around and searching to come.

"We have seven main and ten secondary locations we need to cover and this time, we're not cutting corners. We're covering all of them. I did separate them into priority so that's a thing and I have my reasons for that. I'll explain that later. Here's what I think you need to know right now." Ae opened a folder and took out some pictures, pinned them on the board, along with some index cards with quick information.

"The person who is known as Namia is actually her cousin Hana. The real Namia died when she was about 11 in a major accident. In order to retain the life they had, Namia's parents took Hana and used her to fill the empty spot. We don't yet clearly know the details of how this warped Hana and made her into the person she is today but it's obvious how much of an impact this has had on her. 

"Kara is the only daughter of her parents as well. She was raised to marry Damien Nolladoche. Is that correct? Whatever. He literally made sure she remained pure in every way, like every way. And then he swooped in, made some promises, took all her firsts, and then married someone else. He kept it all a secret until the day of the wedding. Kara attended thinking she was just going to a party. She had a breakdown and seems to have recovered. However, every so often, she takes a break and the receipts show she's checked herself into this specific institution for her mental health."

"If she has to check in so often then maybe she needs to look into another place. They don't seem to be helping her much." Pond commented and got a slap from ChaAim.

"What?" He looked at her with a slight frown.

"That was insensitive. She obviously has issues." Aim hissed at him.

"Ok. Babe. This isn't the time to be PG. They have Pete. I'm not spearing them a bit."

Ae cleared his throat. The two of them got quiet.

"Dani is the one we have very little intel on personality wise but we do have a lot of information on her background. We know that she comes from a well off family and they own Sweet Spot, the pastry franchise, as well as several restaurants, bars and pubs. They are the only ones so far who have also reached out to us in some way with concern despite their uncertainty of the situation."

"Her family is not Thai. They are US citizens who moved here a long time ago and actually adopted Dani. In public she is always well behaved and well presented. They adopted her and 2 boys. I remember speaking to the mother at a party once. She lamented about her sons and how rebellious they were. I told her something along the lines of it being a phase. This was also true. The boys are doing well for themselves. They have taken a great interest in the business and the second son is even a well known chef. Slowly they have been taking over from their parents and are doing a great job. Dani has always been strange to me because she has always been 'perfect'. Even my Pete is not that perfect despite what people think. Sure he is sweet and kind but he's also spoiled and klutzy and sometime doesn't think beyond his own needs. He can be selfish and needy and I am sure you all here are aware of his faults."

Everyone smiled at her, yet they all thought that even if though Pete had faults, he still turned out pretty perfect. 

"He can also be stubborn, hardheaded and wanting his own way." Ae added, thinking of recent events. Mom smiled at him and nodded. "But he still came out pretty great, let's face it."

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