Special Chapter 4 Part 2: The Honeymoon

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Pete blushed as he watched the light flash through the ascending numbers in the elevator. For some reason he couldn't look at Ae, despite them holding hands. It had been an entire month since he had seen his lover and he was nervous as hell. Actually it had been more than a month since Ae had moved out of their new home on the second of January and it was now the 12th, no 13th of February.

Was he being silly? Absolutely. This was Ae. He could identify his lover by the simple way he breathed. Could he stop himself? Absolutely not? If he were not feeling shy right now, he wouldn't be Pete.

Silently, Pete let Ae lead him into their hotel room and only made a sound when he found himself suddenly pressed up against the closed door. 

Ae buried his nose in Pete's neck and inhaled. He had missed this scent in a way he couldn't describe. Being away from Pete was like being an amputee. It was worse than all the therapy he had done just to restore his range of motion in his left arm. 

How the fuck did people fall out of love? Ae couldn't grasp this notion because for him, being in love was being with Pete. They were one and the same. He couldn't have one without the other nor could he imagine them as two different entities because when he thought of love, Pete was the first thing that came to mind. 

Finally, Ae eased back, giving his husband some room. Pete though, felt suddenly exposed and pulled Ae back into him, wrapping his arms around Ae's neck as tightly as he could. There were tears in his eyes and Ae smiled softly.

"Did you miss me that much then?"

"Yes," Pete answered softly and clung even tighter, this time even wrapping his long legs around Ae and clinging on. He had been aware that he had been distracted and adrift without Ae. No. That wasn't quite right either. It was more than that. He hadn't felt comfortable when Ae wasn't in his sight after everything that had happened. Talking to him on the phone was one thing. But he couldn't see Ae. He couldn't hold him like this, or smell the sunshine and wood scent that was so much a part of Ae. He couldn't check for himself to make sure that Ae was ok. That the day to day little aches and pains of his work weren't taking a toll on him or that the injuries he waved off were exactly as small as he said they were because sometimes they weren't. 

"Ahhh baby. It's ok." Ae ran his hands through Pete's hair and kissed his forehead as he walked them through the lovely suite and into the room where they would be spending the rest of the night into the morning. He eased onto the bed with Pete in his lap. He reached behind him and managed to grab Pete's shoes, throwing them onto the floor, before toeing off his own. 

"Ae missed me too right?" Pete asked as he dropped soft kisses all over Ae's face.

"Is that even a question to ask? I felt all disjointed and cranky. Everyone started avoiding me at work. Some of the new workers started running to Pond because they were afraid to come to me. Forth told me to work from home or else. That was two weeks ago. I still defied him and went to the sites thought. When he found out, he would come and run me off. I couldn't even stand my own company Pete."

Pete wiped his own eyes as he chuckled. Wasn't it odd that they had an entire wedding ceremony and he didn't cry once but now the tears insisted on coming?

"Ae was the first one to agree to this separation so you have to take responsibility." Pete teased even though he knew Ae had done so under his mother's threats.

"Oh?" Ae smirked and without hesitation grabbed fist fulls of Pete's shirt and yanked it out of his pants. Despite the upward motion, some of the buttons still popped so Ae kept pulling until Pete was left wide open. He didn't have to worry about the damn jacket either because he had ditched his and talked Pete into doing the same since the dancing started. It was all part of the plan. If he could have ditched more cloths, he would have.

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