Double, Double, Toil and ...

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A blatantly disrespectful email was sent to Tul and to the Police the morning after the Police met with Ae.

Tul was cursed for the comments he made that was released in that morning's paper which threw shade at Ae as a suspect. He was told that his tongue would be his downfall and that one more wrong move would see the three pages sent previously plus a new one be sent to the police. 

A picture with the pages inside clear protectors next to an envelope addressed to the police was also sent to prove a point.

Tul felt this email was proof that Ae was indeed the culprit but Tri disagreed. The wording read heavy with jealousy, almost like a jilted lover seeking attention. If Ae was getting the attention then he wouldn't need to respond like this. 

Tri, in his prime had received many letters like this, especially when he had brought home Tul's mother and his previous women felt keenly disrespected. 

"Look at those you have been fucking and discarded recently."

"But Fathe_"

"Do it! You are to narrow in your focus and this is not like you! Even if Tin is involved, it does not mean that he has involved his friends. Tin has very interesting connections. He simply has to be motivated to use them by the right person."

"Can could be the right person." Tul insisted

"Then we should have fallen a long time ago. Tin had been with that boy since Uni, left us, and ignored us for years. Can is satisfied to have Tin away from us. If he wanted more, he would have made a move that year Pete went away, Tin was distracted and you did what you did." 

Tul smirked. Can would never. He was too scared... Of course! Can would have to tell Tin what has happened. Tin would never settle for something like that happening to Can and not retaliate by pounding them into the ground. 

"I understand. I'll work on that list immediately." Tri smiled and nodded. It was true that Tin was the declared heir of the company but Tul was the son of Tri's heart. What belonged to Tri, belonged to Tul.

The detectives also received an email. It was Can's hope that if they missed the email in the CC they would notice it now. He was right. 

"Ling, we have another email."

"What?" Ling looked over at his partner.

"It's an interesting one too. I feel like I just got cursed out by a jilted lover of something. How dare we pay attention to a sub par carver like Ae when they are presenting us with their best work. Why are we focusing on that case when the issues with the Medthanets are so much more important. Did we not realize we were watching. Did they need to go to the media."

Ling took the email from Dami and read it through. 

"Shit. Do you think we're going about this wrong? Why would they bother to do this if we already spoke to them yesterday?"

"I don't know. I still feel Ae is involved in this."

"Hummm." Ling studied the email for a good five minutes and was about to put it down when he noticed it.

"Wait. Where is the first email printout?" He grabbed the file and shifted through it until he got it. He looked at both emails and realized that there was indeed a carbon copy and that it contained 2 emails. 

"How the fuck did we miss this?"


"There are two emails here. In the CC, look. They are similar but not the same. For someone who screams for attention in their communications, I was always surprised that they left no way to reach them. This makes so much sense."

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