Epilogue... But Not The End

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Pete and Ae sat in front of Kit. The good doctor had done the paternity tests on both Dani and Dali.

"Pete, these are Dani's tests. I have seen them. I have done the tests using 3 different samples. You are not the father of this baby."

"Fuck." Ae whispered while Pete sagged slightly. 

"And what about Dali?" Pete finally whispered after processing what this could potentially mean.

"You are the father of Dali's baby."

"Oh shit." Pete muttered while Ae got up and paced the door then back.

"So Kara did do the double cross after all. This just proves it. So then she must have been in cahoots with the doctor or did she do it on her own? They had access to every part of that facility and I'm sure they would have collected samples from everyone to run practice tests. All she had to do was sneak in after the collection and switch the batches."

This was actually exactly what Kara did. In the beginning, Kara tested her booster dosage on a few of the men. Samples were also collected from them just for the sake of practice but were supposed to be disposed of. Kara was the person in charge of overseeing that disposal.

Easily and quickly, she switched the collected samples with ones she prepared before hand. Dani was scheduled to go in first and she was given the wrong 'donation'. 

Kara then went in and was given the privacy she requested. This was when she removed the substituted DNA samples and replaced them with the correct samples. No one thought her being alone in the room was anything odd. She always tended to psych herself up in private before stepping forward when she was ready. Everyone just assumed this was what she was doing.

"What do you intend to do now?"

Ae paused and looked at Pete. They did have a plan and it would depend on these results.

"Can I have these?" Pete finally asked softly.

"Of course. I have copies ready to be sent to your lawyer. If you wish for them to have these originals then that's up to you."

"Thank you P'Kit." Pete said with a smile and they left. Kit stared at the door then sighed. Whatever they had planned, they didn't want to talk about it. That was ok thought. He would know the results soon enough. After all, there was still one more person to worry about.

In the car, Pete looked at Ae. "You can do this right?"

"Pete. If she doesn't want to tell me by the end of it all, then there is nothing I can do about it."

"I know that. I just don't want to have to hunt for Kara and then when we do finally find her and possibly the child or children, it's too late and she made everything worse."

"You also do realize that Kara may have disregarded all the safe houses they have set up and gone her own way too right. I want you to be prepared for anything Pete. I want you to think of all possibilities."

"I know. That's why we're going to plant some devices. The kind we can leave behind to take care of themselves. The kind that can transmit to a central location and Manx can monitor them for us. If she ever does show up at any safe house, we'll have her. Ok?" Ae nodded as he focused on driving. When they got home, they would make the necessary calls and set things up.

Two days later, Ae was admitted into a facility that housed women who were on trial. Dani was sitting in a chair on the other side of a glass waiting for him.

"Why do you want to see me?" She asked as soon as he sat down.

"Because I think you know why I'm here. I think you understand things better than Hana does."

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