Like Riding A Bike

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Author Nim Again

Pete spent over two hours in Ae's work room after they ate and talked. They had slipped back into this comfortable place. It was done so seemlessly that you had to wonder if they had ever spent time apart.

Pete looked at all the projects in their different stages then looked at his completed work. He was hoping to see some things that suited the hotels and had already earmarked a few from Ae's general works pile.

Then he looked at the sculptures and it was only his attention to detail that caused him to notice the similarities. "Do you have one of these in front of the Medthanet building?" It wasn't as good as what Pete was looking at but it came really, really close.

"Yep. Traiters. They want me to remove it but I never signed it so they can't prove it was mine to begin with."

"Are you crazy?! That statue stabbing its twin in the back with such an open smile while his brother hugs him is just...  I'm surprised they haven't removed it."

"Removal of it is an admission of guilt. They refuse to back down and so does Can. I only made the statue. It was all Can's plan. He commissioned it and it's the only rush job I ever did."

"But why?"

"Even I know what that Tul asshole has been doing to undermine Tin. When Tin was doing his Masters, he never let out that he already had his own company in sports equipment with his own brand Canter. It's really blowing up especially since he's sponsored a few university games and the reviews have been top notch. Then he has that online company that helps you get a job. Thai Lifester. They do everything for you, plan and do your resume, coach you for the interview and get you to the door. You just have to walk in. There's a bunch of other shit he was doing but Tul had no idea so he sent out this propaganda article and Can slammed it with one of his own about Tim's life and accomplishments. ChaAim helped him by linking him to one of her friends who works for this magazine."

Pete blinked and reached for the magazine in question. IT wasn't a rag but also only popular in business circles. People would have had to go out of their way to get to the good stuff. Another shocker! Tin was on the cover and he looked stunning.

"I have a feeling he didn't know what this was for." Pete finally commented.

"Not a clue."

Pete skimmed through the magazine and froze. "Your in here."

And so he was. Ae looked stunningly manly in the picture. In a tux, he appeared to be fixing a cufflinks as he looked up slightly at the camera. His always intense eyes locked on too the camera. Pete was sure there were many men and women who had fallen in lust with this picture especially since Ae had plainly stated he was bi in the interview. He had also said he was in a complicated relationship that was currently on hold but he had intentions of hopefully reconnecting with that person.

Everything in Pete's chest squeezed and a light blush crept up his face. He glanced at Ae who was staring at him with a light smile and blushed deeper.

"You were always thinking of me."

"Of course. All my first and all my best moments happened with you. I will never stop thinking of you."


I stared at Ae and marvelled at this guy. There was a point when I had given up hope. When I had felt utterly and absolutely alone. And then Can had sent me his first rambling email. I hadn't gotten to read it right away but Father had been so... mesmerized, for lack of a better word that he actually bought it up to comment on Can's level of intelligence and to question just what kind of friends I had exactly.

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