The Source of the Madness?

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I'm taking pictures of a site when my phone rings. It's either Pond or Pete. I know my baby said he wanted to make dinner tonight. He must be checking to see where I am. Either that or Pond is calling to boast about how well he did in the presentation today. I don't know why he would think I expect him too fail. I now better than anyone how capable Pond is. 

I glance at the ID and frown before answering.


"Ae. I want you to listen carefully to me now. Can you do that?" The urgency in his voice makes my stomach turn to jelly. Is it Pete? Is it my family? What?

"Yes. What is it?" I try to sound calm but I'm not though. I'm loosing it.

"There has been some kind of _ some incident caused by an unknown person. Pond and Pete are hurt but they are ok. They are ok Ae. Pond has asked me to call you because he wants you to know that he's protecting Pete until you get here."

"Ok. Where is here?" I'm shocked that my voice is so steady because everything inside me is roaring. If I could gulp the world, I would have swallowed it right now with a roar. If I could control time, I would have ripped it to shreds. 

I need to see Pete.

"Pete is still at his office parking structure. The paramedics are on their way. This is just a precaution. We are leaving now to get to them. Please come directly here."

"I look like a fool to you?  I'm not confronting anyone when I don't have all the details. Just keep me up to date. I'm on my way back. It will take me an hour and a half or so. I was at a site."

"Ok great. Try not to break too many traffic laws."

"Fuck that shit." I viciously cut him off and tear out of there. He must be stupid if he thinks I'm not going to break as many laws as I safely can to get there. 

"Call Mae." I tell the phone. My mother answers quickly enough. 

"Mae. Someone hurt Pete and Pond in the parking structure."

"What? What did you say?"

"You heard me Mae. I'm not kidding."

"Ok. Tell me what to do. Oh and I will do it right now."

"Contact Aim, Mom, and everyone for me. Boss too. I'm at a site right now. I have over an hour of driving time left. I'll let you know where they take him when I know but I need you to especially have Boss on standby. I don't know what's happening yet and he'll know what to do if I tell him."

"Ok sweetie. You go it. Just concentrate on driving. Be safe. Pete needs you to come to him so don't have an accident."

"I love you Mae."

"I love you too baby."

I concentrate after that because I know she will call everyone she thinks is necessary to call and I just need to hold myself together and get to where I need to be.

About 20 minutes later, the phone rings again and I answer, put it on speaker.

"Tell me."

"Here Pete." I head Dami say and I suck in a breath.

"Hello?" Pete's voice sounds horse and it destroys me. 

"Pete? Babe." My voice is shakier than I want it to be but I can't seem to control it. Then Pete burst into tears and I feel tears come into my eyes too. I can't be crying now thought so I try my best to comfort him instead.

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