A Tale of Ordinary Love

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"You can move in with Ae you know." Mae leaned against my open door causing me to turn. She hadn't seen me since last Friday and it was now Thursday evening.

"I know but I think Ae likes it here better. If he had a choice, he would be here with me. Just turn his current apartment into a full time work studio." I admitted to her. "He's coming for the weekend."

"Oh, great. I want him to look at the pool. He tinkered with it last time and got it going. I should have paid better attention. I don't remember what the issue was." Having Ae around was always convenient.

"I mentioned it to him already. He said it was clogged the last time and needed a cleaning. He'll take care of it. He also mentioned something about the generator. He has a part for it or something like that." 

"Good. How are his negotiations going for the next building?" She suddenly remembered that he had mentioned it to her a while before I came.

"He's signing the papers next week." I smiled at Mae who looked satisfied. She wondered out and I turned back to my laptop and the plans on them. Ae did prefer here. It felt more like a home to him over his apartment. We were an hour outside of the city and even thought it meant an earlier commute, Ae wouldn't mind. The apartment was still convenient though. If we were both working late, it was a perfect place to crash.

The privacy factor was the best part. We could be naked all over the house... Blush. 

Still, at the end of the day, I think we would both pick my home. It was at least still much more private than Ae's old room and there was no need to get a new house for the two of us. I am my Mother's only child and I would inherit this home. Why make another when I had a perfectly good one?

To my surprise, Ae showed up at my door about half an hour later. He looked tired and a bit drained. My eyes followed him as he walked in and dropped his bag on the bench at the foot of my bed before he walked over to me, leaned over and wrapped his arms around me, buried his face in my neck.

"Hey. You ok?"

"Mmmmm. I got to my place and realized I didn't want to spend the night without you." Oh. I blush softly because I was just thinking about how hard it would be for me to fall asleep without him. 

"Ae. You are so spoiled nah but so am I. Just thinking about how much I would miss you tonight."

"Good that I came then. I don't ever want you to be missing me if I can't help it." He sighs and straightens up. I watch him stretch and admire the hard ridges and muscles he displays. Ae is only 2 inches shorter than me. It is hard to notice because he is wider than me. I only feel it when I have to hug him. He has a short neck so I feel like I drape over him and I have to angle my face just right to be able to breath him in. Otherwise Ae is all around bigger than me. To his friends, he will always be Ai' Shorty though. They are still taller then he is. 


"Huh? Sorry. What did you say?"

"I'm going to shower."

"Oh. Of course. Then you'll talk to me after?"

"Mmmmm." He kisses me then heads off. I know something is on his mind. I wonder what it could be. Did the officer come and see him today? I had told him all about the man's visit to my office. 

15 minutes later, Ae walks out with the towel around his hips, causing me to freeze. I had moved from my desk to my bed and I had a full view of him now. Drool ran down my mouth as he didn't bother to take his duffel back to the bathroom but changed in front of m. I pretty much slurped my spit back up when I caught him giving me a sexy grin and looked away so my face wouldn't burn off with the blush. 

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