KenoLing Side Story 1

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The child hidden in the box...

The Tollingham's had been disobedient. Tsk. How annoying. Did they really think no one would find out?

There was only one rule in the Rajinwatt's territory: don't traffic flesh. 

Every thing was fair game but once you began preying on your own species, then you were no better than a common animal. 

People like that needed to be killed on sight and buried in shallow graves in the woods or have their bodies weighted and bumped in the ocean... while they were still alive. 

Why should death be easy for them?

"Keno are you ready?"

"Are you seriously asking me that question? Can we just fucking go already? I've been really bored lately." The other men chuckled. Despite being older than this 15 year old by far, they deferred to him in all things. That was the order passed down to them from the leader. It didn't help that this boy could easily beat the shit out of all of them. He was a prodigy. A golden boy.

"Let's go then. Stick to the plan. Check in. Deviate only when necessary and relay that info asap."

All in black, they seemed to flow out of vans, movement darting through the night like hummingbirds in a garden. They swarmed the walls, shot any dogs on sight with tranquilizers, and invaded the building from all sides. 

Screaming was heard in short and sharp bursts. The sounds of bodies falling happened frequently at first then sporadically for the remainder of the raid. All things considered valuable were taken. 

There were very few women and no children here. Keno knew the girls were just here for pleasure and some were probably part of the shipment. He ignored them, or if they were too loud, he would shoot them with a dart. He came across a room that seemed the most deserted. Chances were Penn Tollingham used this area. He must have grabbed his shit and run with it.

"That fat fuck sure can move fast," He muttered under his breath and headed for the door. He looked at it carefully. It wasn't just any kind of door. You needed to know the password to get in. It also required facial recognition and some other shit Keno just didn't care about. What he did marvel at was the doors weakness. If you shot it just right, the doors will malfunction and open for part of the way.

It had taken 2 years for that glitch to be found and less than a day for Keno to exploit it in his practice sessions. If he missed this shot now, who was the fool here?

Maybe it was excitement or a rare case of nerves but his hand was trembling. He felt like whatever he found behind that door was going to change everything. He was a very superstitious guy and he believed in his gut instinct. He wasn't sure he wanted to take that step.

"Are you a fucking idiot or what? If you don't want to do it, just walk the fuck away." But he couldn't. If he walked away now he felt like he might lose his greatest treasure.

"Fine!" He snarled at himself. He made a decision and his resolve steadied. His hand relaxed and his grip on the trigger was now a caress. Without thinking anymore, he fired, not only hitting the target but lodging his bullet into the door. it sprung apart with a sharp sound just as expected but Keno was no longer in the way when shots were fired out at him. 

Silence fell after a few seconds and Keno took a peek int the room. 

"Fuck!" The sound was a snarl and Keno laughed. 

"Kill the fucking brat!" Penn screamed from inside, his eyes wild. Sord cursed again and headed to the door. He planted himself off to the side and looked back at his boss for some sign of reassurance, hoping for a second that he wouldn't have to face Keno. He felt ashamed to say that he wasn't a match for a 15 year old kid but it was true. 

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