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Mitch's POV

We were both frozen as we stared at G. She leaned against the door, barely able to keep her eyes open. Dried blood clung to her skin and hair while fresh blood dripped onto the ground. I held my breath as she swayed back and forth before her eyes closed and her legs gave out.

"G!" Hurley gasped as he ran towards her. He got to her just in time to catch her before she hit the ground.

The second Hurley caught her, he gently knelt to the ground. I felt frozen as he held her in his arms. He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear as he whispered to her.

I thought about how he acted when he was with her. I thought about Italy, about how he got her away from the cafe, how he patched her up, how angry he got when I was too rough on her in training, and how protective he is of her. The only thing that didn't make sense was how he wouldn't go after her.

"She's your daughter."

Hurley's head snapped up at me as I said those three words. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped when G started to stir. My heart sank as I watched G whimper, her face scrunching together like she was in pain.

Without a word, Hurley stood up with G in his arms. I followed closely behind as he carried her to the infirmary. As we walked there, whenever a man saw G in Hurley's arms they froze.

"Anthony," Hurley said as I opened the door for him.

"Yes, sir. . ." His eyes widened when he turned towards us. "G?"

Hurley put her down on one of the cots and glared at him when he just stared. Anthony cleared his throat before quickly beginning to tend to her wounds.

The whole time Anthony was fixing G's wounds, Hurley stood within arms reach. Whenever she gasped in pain, he jumped forward. I stood in the doorway with the other men standing behind me looking over my shoulder watching G.

Hurley looked over and sighed when he saw us all watching. He looked back at G with a sad smile and watched as Anthony finished patching her up. "We should let her get some rest," Hurley said, not looking away from her.

I looked over my shoulder to see the men slowly starting to leave. "Anthony?" Hurley said, making me look back at him. "Is it alright to take her back to her room? She'll sleep better there than here."

"Of course, sir. Would you like me to take her?"

"No," he shook his head. "I've got her."

My eyes softened as Hurley gently picked her up bridal style. I held the door open for him and he nodded as he passed. I followed behind him as he carried G to her room.

When we got there, I watched from the doorway as he laid her down in her bed and put the blanket up to her chin. I couldn't help but smile as Hurley tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. In that moment, I didn't see Hurley taking care of one of his assassins. He was a father taking care of his daughter.

"You can't tell anyone," he said, not looking away from her.

"I won't, sir," I said, softly closing the door behind me so no one in the hallway could overhear. Hurley looked up when I shut the door.

"I'm serious, Rapp," he said, his voice changing. "I'm not worried about the other men finding out. If anyone outside Orion finds out she's my daughter, it'll put her in danger. She'll have an even bigger target on her back than she already does."

"I understand, sir." I said, looking over at a sleeping G. "Your secret is safe with me."

* * * * *

It's been a week since G came back and we still don't know what the hell happened to her or how the hell she escaped. Hurley is the only one allowed in or out of her room.

"Hey, new kid." I looked up to see Victor putting a sandwich on a plate. "Take this to G's room."

I nodded as I stood up and grabbed the plate. When I got to her room, I knocked on the door. My breath got caught in my throat when G opened the door in a sports bra and shorts.

"Rapp? What the hell are you doing here?" She asked, her head tilted slightly.

"I umm. . ." I cleared my throat as I tried, but failed not to look her up and down. Her body was covered in bruises and scars. Her arm subconsciously wrapped around her waist, trying to cover up the scars. I looked up, my breath getting caught in my throat when I saw her eyes stained red.

I cleared my throat before handing her the plate. "I brought your lunch," I finally got out. She looked down at the sandwich, hesitating to take the food. "G," I said softly causing her to look up at me.

Something in her eyes dropped before she started to close the door. "I'm not hungry."

"G," I said, stopping the door from closing. She eyed my hand that was holding the door open. "Take it."

"I'm not hungry," she annunciated.

"But you need it."

She finally took the sandwich. "Thanks," she said before slamming the door in my face.

"You're welcome," I sighed.

"Don't waste your time."

I turned around to see Hurley walking down the hallway towards me. I opened my mouth to respond but he shook his head, laughing.

"G's a hardass. It doesn't matter how much pain that girl is in. She'd rather hold it in than show it."

"That's crazy."

"Yeah, it is. There's a reason the men call her the Robotic Bitch."

"Has she always been like this?" I asked.

"Not always," he shrugged. "It's taken some time for her to build up the robotic and scary reputation that she has. When she was younger. . ." He let the sentence drop as he thought about his life before all this.

He sighed as he shook his head, looking at G's bedroom door. "Now's she unrecognizable."

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