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Mitch's POV

I woke up the next morning and instantly sat up, turning towards G. I felt myself relax when I noticed she was still sleeping. I ran my hands through my hair as I thought of what has happened.

G and I went on our first mission where she was stabbed and shot. The same people we went after, came back and kidnapped her. She somehow escaped after being tortured for twelve days. When she returned, she wasn't herself. She tried to kill herself. She cried in front of me. She told me the truth about her mother. She even told me her real name.

Part of me believes that the reason she has opened up to me, telling me things about herself, even crying in front of me, is because she trusts me. But, the sadistic side thinks that G has been through too much for a girl her age and just had a moment of weakness.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard G start to wake up. "Rapp," she said as she tried to sit up. I jumped up when she gasped in pain. I helped her sit up with her looking at me strangely the whole time.

"You okay?" I asked, suddenly realizing how close we were.

"I'm fine," she stuttered. She looked at me before looking down at her blood-stained shirt. She slowly lifted it up and peeled the gauze partly from her skin.

"Not bad," she sighed as she pressed the tape back to her skin.

"What?" I asked, watching her closely.

"I meant the stitches you did. They're pretty good considering the circumstances," she shrugged with a small laugh.

"How do you feel?" I asked after a few seconds of neither one of us saying anything.

"I'm okay," she said, turning to her side and slowly swinging her legs around, her feet touching the ground. "The pain is mostly a dull ache. Every once in awhile, I take too deep of a breath."

She shrugged as she slowly stood up. I heard her laugh as I quickly jumped up to help her. "I'm fine, Rapp." She smiled. "What?" She asked when she caught me staring.

"Nothing," I stuttered. "It's just. . . I don't think I've ever heard you laugh. I've seen you smile, but it's not usually a genuine one."

I smiled when I saw her cheeks grow slightly red. "Thanks, I guess," she said as she reached up a tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

I cleared my throat, making her look up at me. "We should probably get going. We can go into town and get supplies then get back on the road."

"You're right," she nodded. "There is a safe house right on the state line. It's about 300 miles from here."

"Sounds good. We shouldn't stay in the same place for long," I said, making her let out a small laugh.

She looked down and sighed. "And I should probably change into something less. . .bloody."


Once we left the hotel, we drove to the nearest town. We pulled over when we got to a little shopping mall that had stores, a gas station, and a cafe.

"Here," he said, handing me a hoodie from the back seat. "This will cover the blood on your shirt until we can find you a new one."

"Thanks," I smiled before slipping on the jacket. Once I put the jacket on, Rapp got out of his seat and walked around to mine. He opened the door for me and gave me his hand, helping me out of the car. I bit my lip when I felt him wrap his arm around my waist.

"You don't have to," I started but he cut me off.

"You need the support, G." He sighed. "I know how you hate admitting when you need help, but you do. You can lean on me without it looking weird."

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