The Next Move

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Mitch's POV

"Do you care about her?" Hurley asked suddenly as he continued to drive.

"What?" I asked, caught off-guard.

"It's a simple yes or no question, Rapp." He looked away from the road as he asked again, "Do you care about my daughter?"

"Yes, sir."

I didn't hesitate and I didn't have to. I knew that I cared for Olivia, even if I did try to fight it at first. I was well aware that Hurley could easily kick my ass, but I didn't care. I cared about finding Olivia and making sure she was safe.

He looked back at the road, rolling his shoulders. "Would you do anything to protect her?"

"Yes, sir."

"Even if that meant putting yourself at risk?"

"Without a second of hesitation, sir."

We pulled in front of the house and he put the car in park. I looked over and noticed he didn't take his seatbelt off. He didn't even move. He looked over at me with soft but serious eyes.

"I need you to mean this when you say it, so if you don't mean it, don't say it." I nodded showing him that I understood.

"Would you give her the life I should have given her? The life that she deserves?"

"Absolutely, sir," I said instantly. "I would do anything it takes to make her happy."

Hurley studied my face before finally taking the keys out of the ignition and taking off his seatbelt. Without another word, I followed him inside.

We walked in Hurley's office but stopped when we saw Irene sitting at Hurley's desk. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I've got an even better question. Why didn't you tell me he was back?"

When Hurley didn't answer, Irene stood up and walked towards us. "Or, why didn't you tell me that he had Olivia?"

"Irene," he started to explain but she cut him off.

"Do you have any idea what he is planning?" Hurley and I looked at each other before Hurley gestured for Irene to continue. "I understand that getting Olivia back is our top priority, but he is building a bomb and we have no idea where he is planning on setting it off."

"It's connected," Hurley mumbled.

"What?" Irene asked, looking at me before shifting her annoyed gaze back to Hurley.

"He kidnapped Olivia because of their duel three years ago. Killing her is his way of settling the score. But who else does he want to settle the score with?"

"I'm guessing, you," Irene sighed.

Hurley shook his head. "No. By kidnapping and killing Olivia, he gets his revenge on me," he explained.

"Well then, what is he targeting?" Irene asked, getting annoyed.

"What about something involving the CIA?" I jumped in, making the two look at me. "He blames Orion for leaving him in the field. His next target could be government-related," I said, tossing in my two cents.

"Ronnie always wanted to die at sea," Hurley mumbled.

"The First Fleet," I said when the lightbulb turned on. "That's his target. If he were to bomb the First Fleet, off the coast of San Diego, the entire fleet would be destroyed. That is one of our biggest fleets."

"And I served in that fleet," Hurley sighed. "That has to be his target. How fast can you get us on a plane to California?"

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