The Bomb

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Mitch's POV

I ran out of the building and headed towards the pier. I ran faster as I saw Ronnie in a boat, getting ready to leave.

I ran down the dock and at the last minute jumped onto Ronnie's boat. He turned around when he heard me fall and sped the boat up. He turned around again as I charged him.

I tackled him, making us fall down the stairs leading to the cabin. I sat up and blocked his punch, instantly punching him. I banged his head against the wall before punching him again. He grabbed my shoulders and led me further into the cabin.

He was about to throw me to the ground when the boat hit a wave, knocking us both against the wall. As I stood up, Ronnie kicked me, causing my back to hit a wall. I reached forward and punched him in the face. He took the hit before taking the advantage and punching my ribs.

We continued fighting as the boat sped towards the fleet. Every once in a while, the boat would hit a wave throwing us against a wall.

He pulled out a knife and cut my shoulder. I punched him, letting out a gasp of pain as he cut my torso. He hit me a few times, causing me to back up and try to regain my composure.

"The bomb can't be stopped," he said shaking his head. "Just like you couldn't stop that beautiful girl from dying on the beach."

He smirked when he saw the glare I sent him. "Or like how you couldn't stop poor little Olivia from dying in that dirty warehouse," he added. "Tell me. What was it like leaving her, knowing she would bleed to death?"

I instantly charged him, tackling him to the ground. I punched him over and over again until the boat jumped another wave, throwing me against the opposite wall.

I looked up to see Ronnie running towards me. He pinned me to the wall before punching me twice in the gut and once in the face.

He wrapped his hand around my throat and pushed me up against the wall. "It's a shame," he said trying to catch his breath. "The last thing Olivia saw was you running away from her."

I punched him, causing his grip around my neck to loosen. He narrowed his eyes as he hit me a few more times. He head-butted me before throwing my head against the wall, causing me to fall to the ground.

I saw stars as I heard his footsteps coming closer. He knelt above me, grabbed the front of my shirt in his hands, and punched me.

"Didn't Hurley teach you anything, little brother?" He spat at me. He pulled out the knife and got ready to stab me with it. Before he pushed it into my throat, he sneered, "To never make it personal?"

I reached up and grabbed the blade just like I did my first day in Orion when I fought Victor.

His eyes widened when he looked down at my fist clenched around the knife's blade. With a yell, I rolled us over, flipping our positions. I smirked as I held the knife to his throat.

"This isn't personal," I said before hitting the end of the knife, jabbing it into his throat. I stood up and instantly walked over to the bomb.

"Shit," I swore under my breath when I saw there was less than four minutes until it went off.

I ran up the steps, carrying the bomb. I put it on the seat as I grabbed the steering wheel. I didn't hesitate before yanking the steering wheel, turning the boat away from the fleet.

"Rapp. Rapp, can you hear me?"

I looked over my shoulder to see Hurley in a helicopter over my head. "Pick up the radio," he instructed. "Throw the bomb overboard."

"No way, sir. I gotta get further away from the fleet."

"Rapp, for once in your life take a damn order!" He yelled. There was a small moment where all that could be heard was the blades of the helicopter and the engine of the boat.

"Think about Olivia," he said suddenly, his voice changing. "She cares about you, Rapp, and that poor girl can't lose any more people she cares about."

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