Chapter 1

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"What the fuck..!?" Aunt May shouts.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

He knew he'd messed up he turned around as fast as he could, "May don't freak out it's not...."

"No! Don't do that," her voice was starting to calm down and then she hugged him. "I told you to run in the other direction if you saw trouble. Why didn't you just tell me?"

"I thought you'd freak out and like...disown me or something," Peter said hugging her back.

"If you get hurt I'll freak but your helping other people, you always have cared about other people before yourself," she said pulling away from the hug. "I'm gonna go make dinner."

"May?" Peter said taking his suit off and walking out his room in just his underwear. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, we'll talk about it later." She said turning to him, "put some clothes on Pete," She smiled.

After dinner and a long conversation about Spider-Man with May he finally went to bed.


After Peter had gotten his clothes on, he grabbed his bag and phone and headed out the door to meet Ned to walk to school together.

"Do you want to come over after school tomorrow, my moms wanting to see you again she says it's been too long?" Ned said slightly embarrassed.

"Sorry I can't I've still got detention for like 3 more weeks, it sucks. But tell your mom I'll come over soon. Whenever I can," Peter said laughing.

"Alright you don't need to laugh," Ned smiled punching Peters arm.

They soon got to school and avoided Flash who was out the front with his usual group. They walked in the doors and walked up the stairs, Mj found them as they got to the top.

"Hey losers," Mj said with a smile as she got in between them and wrapped her arms over them both. "So there's this new guy and I have to show him around apparently he's cute."

"Ohh who?" Peter said.

"I don't know, his names Travis or something. Why do you care?" MJ said taking her arms back from around the boys look looking at Peter.

"Uhh. No reason just curious," Peter said nervously smiling.

"Alright I don't actually care. I'm gonna go find him," MJ said starting to walk away. "I'll introduce him to you," turning and smiling at Peter.

"I'll meet you in class gotta get my books," Peter walked away to his locker.

Once Peter was alone and dropped the smiling he'd been faking for so long. Things had been getting worse for a while he was trying to keep everything together but he didn't know how long he could do that for. Everyday he could feel himself falling into a darker and darker place.

He got his chemistry books and got to class late, purposely. And sat next to Ned ignoring their teacher.

"If you keep being late your going to get in more trouble," Ned was getting worried, lately he was getting in trouble and not because he had spiderman things to do like it normally was before.

"Yeah I know, I..." Peter stopped not knowing what say as MJ and Travis walked.

"Seriously what is up with you and this guy," Ned said smiling noticing Peter was starting.

"What?...Oh nothing," Peter said now trying to avoid looking at the new boy which he found surprisingly hard. MJ was right he was kinda cute.

After school Peter, Ned and MJ walk to decathlon together joined by Travis who was joining the decathlon team. They were doing their usual while trying to get used to MJ being captain.

Peter just sat at a table away from everyone else with his chin resting on the table and looking at Travis every so often.

"So I know there's something with you and the new guy and your not talking about it. Not to me and not to Ned, it's not our place to push," MJ said sitting in the seat next to him looking. "So I'm not going to but I'm here, okay? So talk to me, whenever."

"I don't know what this is. I've...I've never experienced this before. When I know what it is. I'll tell you, but..."

"Okay everyone it's time to stop and clean everything away and go home," Mr Harrington interrupted.

Peter had walked around almost half of Queens before heading home and got into his apartment late.

"Hey, May sorry I'm late. I was w..."

"Your meant to be back at 7:30 unless you tell me otherwise, it's almost 11," she wasn't angry. "Look I'm not bothered that you're late but telling me that you would be would've been nice. Did you at least get something to eat?"

"Yeah I went out after decathlon," Peter lied walking into his room.

"Okay, well get a shower before you go to bed," May shouted as Peter closed his door.

Peter locked his door and went into the top drawer where he kept his blade. He wanted to use it but didn't know why, today had been a good day mostly. He just felt completely numb, he hated that feeling.

Instead he put his blade back where it was, put his suit on and climbed out his window and swung around for a while trying to find something to do.

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