Chapter 19

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Trigger warning
After school Peter and Ned done their homework and spoke. Ned questioned what happened to his hand, Peter told him and they ended up talking about that for half an hour as much as Peter hated it but he knew it was just because Ned worried about him and didn't want to lose him how he nearly did.

It got to the time Tony was collecting Peter so they tidied their stuff away and waited.

"Look I know you're not in the same bad place as before but I know your still in a bad place and I worry, I don't want to lose you Pete. Your like my brother," Ned said with a worried smile.

"I'm doing better so your not gonna lose me. Your like my brother as well," Peter said smiling back.

Tony beeped the horn twice like he usually does, Peter hugged Ned goodbye and got into the car.

"Peter, what happened?" Tony said noticing his cut lip.

"Oh it's nothing I just tripped," Peter said thankful that most of the bruises were on his body not his face.

After 10 minutes of silence Tony broke it, "so I said earlier that I wanted to talk, I still do," Tony said not looking away from the road.

"Sure what's up," Peter said watching the rain drops fall down the window.

"We've been called in for a mission, we're all leaving tomorrow. So you'll be at home by yourself," Tony said Peter hear the worry in his voice.

"Alright, I'll be fine don't worry."

"I know I shouldn't worry, but I do," Tony said watching the teen tracing the raindrops on the window and smiled.

"So how long will you all be gone?"

"About a week, two at the most. That alright?"

"Yeah, if I need anything I'll go to Ned's," Peter was still watching the rain, he loved the rain.

"Yeah I was about to say to do that, will they be alright with that?"

"Yeah they seem to like me for some reason, I don't see why. They even have a toothbrush there for me," Peter said smiling.

"Yeah really? And I know why they like you kid," Tony said also smiling. "You wanting pizza for dinner?"

"Nah not really hungry, but we can get some for the others," Peter lied and dropped his smile.

"You sure? You look kinda pale, you sure you've been eating," Tony said concerned.

"Yeah I've been eating, it's probably just the rain," Peter hated lying to him.

"Alright, but I'm getting you a small one incase you change your mind."

Once they got home their hands were full of pizza boxes, Peter nearly tripped walking in the door Thor and Clint just laughed.

"Hey I have your pizza watch it," Peter said smiling, Natasha signed to Clint what he'd said and Clint laughed, he got up and walked over to help Peter.

"Which is mine?" He asked, Peter knew he wasn't wearing his hearing aids like he usually did so he looked through the boxes until he found Clint's and handed him it than handed out the rest before he headed into his room.

Peter was tired not from lack of sleep just tired of everything, he wanted to get away so he changed into his spidey suit and jumped out the window.

He swung from building to building he forgot how much he loved this, he saw a mugging happening so he swung down webbed the gun out his hands and threw it on the roof of the building next to them.

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