Chapter 7

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Trigger warning
Peter didn't know what to say "I uhh...I just didn't..I didn't want to bother you," he said not looking at him.

"I won't tell my parents but I want you to come to mine whenever you feel like doing this again, even if we don't talk about it."

Trying to reason with Peter could be the hardest thing sometimes but could also be the easiest thing other times.

"Fine," Peter was to tired to argue. "So do you know when I get out of here?" Peter asked looking at Ned.

"I'll go ask," Ned said getting up and going to find the peters doctor.

After a couple minutes Ned came back with Peter's doctor who was nice to him and hadn't judged him like Peter thought he would.

"So I stitched a couple of the cuts on your wrists, you'll have get them removed in about 10 days and we want to get your height and weight before you leave so we can do that now if you want?"  The doctor asked standing beside Peters bed.

"Yeah that's fine and then I get to go home right?" Peter asked getting out of the hospital bed he was in.

"Well your a miner so a parent or a guardian needs to check you out but let's worry about getting you height and weight done first," he said walking Peter into a different room.

(Not going to put numbers because that could potentially trigger someone)

He stood Peter against a wall where a height chart was and wrote down his height. After he got him to stand on the scales and he wrote down his weight and brought him back into the room he was in when he woke up. He told Peter he'd be back soon.

"Do you want me to phone my mom or dad to get you out?" Ned asked when the doctor left.

"No they'll tell May, I don't know maybe I'll phone Mr Stark. I doubt he'd want to see me," Peter said thinking about who he could ask.

"I'm sure he'll get you out. Why wouldn't he want to see you?" Ned asked worried Peter had done something to piss Tony off.

"I don't know all I do is annoy him and especially Happy, I mean you remember him. Right?"

"Yeah Happy doesn't like you but I bet Tony does. Try phoning him what's the worst that can happen?"

That's when Peter started thinking about all the bad things that could happen if he did phone him.

Peter's doctor walked back in almost half an hour later and asked Ned to leave to talk to Peter.

"So you're underweight quite a bit for your height. Whoever it is who picks you up, I'll talk to them get them to keep an eye on it. We don't want you getting worse because you can get past this. And I'm going to encourage you to see a therapist I can't make you but I have to say something."

He was sitting in the seat that Ned was sitting in.

"Would you like me to phone someone for you?"

"Yeah," he gave him Tony's phone number and it was ringing. 

"Tony Stark. Who's this?" Peter could hear Tony say over the phone. The doctor just looked at Peter surprised.

"Uhh I'm at Queens hospital with Peter Parker. He uh..."

"Peter? Peter Parker? What happened? Is he alright?" He sounded worried, Peter didn't think he cared.

"I'm sorry I can't talk about it over the phone but I can tell you once your here."

"I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Okay great, see you soon Mr Stark," the doctor hung up and turned to Peter. "He said he'll be as soon as he can." He left letting Ned back into the room.

"So what happened?" Ned asked sitting back in his seat.

"Mr Stark's coming and the doctors telling him everything," Peter said looking sad and angry.

"That's alright, you'll have one more person on your side helping you," Ned said trying to make it seem like a good thing in Peter's head.

"You don't have to stay, I'll be okay waiting for Mr Stark by myself."

"I checked the bus times and there's one in 5 minutes, but I was gonna take the one after so you weren't alone."

"I'll be fine," Peter said with a smile.

"If you're sure?" Ned asked and saw him nod. "Okay, but phone me later?" Ned asked hugging Peter and going towards the door waiting for him to answer.

"Yeah I'll phone you later," Peter said sitting back down with one leg on the bed and the other dangling off.

Five minutes later Tony walked into the hospital and into Peters room with his doctor. Tony could feel his heart break a little seeing the bandages on Peters wrists realising why he was here.

The doctor explained everything to Tony, telling him everything. Tony didn't look disappointed or angry like Peter thought he would be he just looked like he usually did just a little more worried.

Tony checked him out as he put his sweatshirt back on, he was still in his pyjamas and didn't have any shoes with him. Once in the car Tony started to drive him home.

"How come you didn't call aunt May?" He asked looking at him seeing him playing with the cuffs of his sweatshirt.

"She's out of town. I didn't wa..I didn't want to bother you with this either but..I didn't know who else to call. I'm sorry, Mr Stark," Peter said looking out the window with tears in his eyes.

"Bother me? Why do you think you'd bother me?" Tony was more worried than before. 'How long has he felt like this?'

"I don't know I just..I just feel like I always bothered you." Peter was still playing with the cuffs of his sweatshirt and looking out the window.

"Look kid you don't bother me I care about you and I don't like seeing you like this. Can we talk about why you ended up there?"

Peter went silent.

"Come on kid."

He still didn't say anything he just looked out the window again.

"Alright, we're here go pack a bag you coming to mine," Tony said stopping the engine of his car.

"Wait what?" Peter turned towards him.

"You heard what I said, I'll wait here."

Peter got changed out of his pyjamas and put a pair of shoes on put his pyjamas in his bag they were the only pair he owed. He put a spare hoodie and jeans in and his homework, his spidey suit.

Peter debated whether he should bring his blade or not, he ended up bring it.

He was only going to be there for a couple days so he didn't have to much. He sent a text to Ned,

Peter: Mr Stark picked me up and is bringing me to his for a couple days

And then he left and got back into Tony's car.

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