Chapter 25

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Trigger warning
When Ned was on the phone to Peter he was with Tony who managed to track his phone finding out that he was back on the skyscraper.

"Shit. Ned, what did he say to you?" Tony asked, his voice laced with panic.

"He was saying sorry...and that he doesn't know what he's gonna do but to know it's not my fault. Mr Stark, I'm worried I know where his heads been at what if he j..."

"That's where it happened last time," Tony said calling his suit and going back through the window flying to Peter.

He landed on the roof where Peter was sitting on the ledge with his legs dangling over the edge and sleeves rolled up showing fresh cuts and old scars. He got out of his suit and sat next to Peter who was watching the ground with tear stained cheeks.

"Pete, you're gonna be okay," Tony said softly.

"Thank you, Mr Stark," Peter said standing up, Tony immediately done the same.

"Thank you for what?"

"Thank you for everything you've done for me. This isn't you're fault, you couldn't have saved me."

"Peter it doesn't need to go this way," Tony said trying to grab his arm but thanks to Peter's spidey senses he knew it was coming and moved his arm out the way.

"I'm gonna be with May and Ben and my parents," Peter was crying but was starting to smile he turned to Tony, "I'm gonna be free, I'm gonna be happy. Finally."

"Peter please. Don't do this," Tony had also started crying.

"I'm sorry," Peter said before he lent forward and was falling faster and faster and he was smiling, he was going to be with his family, he'd finally be happy and free. His nightmare was about to end.

Tony had tried to grab him but missed. People had started watching. Mostly wanting to know what was happening. Some were scared. Some looked away. But some where frozen and had to watch.


Tony had bought a house just for him and Peter before he ran away. Tony was decorating, he didn't know what to do with his time. It had been over two weeks since Peter jumped and it'd been the longest two weeks of Tony's life.

Once he'd finished painting he waited for it to dry which took a just over a day but once it had so he started setting the furniture out putting all his things away which took a while after that he was tired, really tired. He lay down on the couch and fell asleep.

Over the two weeks Bruce had been staying with him, some of the other avengers would come over, Ned and his parents and Mj and her mom came over a couple times. Tony, Mj's mom and Ned's parents had became pretty close.

Everyone at Peter's school knew what had happened. The principal had arranged an assembly to spread awareness of suicide, the signs that someone might need help, how to help and how to get help if you need it.

Tony didn't know what he was meant to do, he was just stumbling through each day. He wished Peter would just wake up and come back to him, he missed him.

He had been the happiest kid he'd ever met and something happened and he planed to get to the bottom of it. To find out what happened to his kid.

He needed to know what happened to his kid that made him jump off a building twice. Why he thought that hurting himself would be the best way to get though it.


After the forth week Tony was starting to lose hope that Peter would wake up, he had been spending his time next to Peter's bed recently. Both Tony and Bruce didn't know why he ended up in a coma again.

Bruce suggested that he had possibly blood loss again or he maybe overdosed. Since they found a tiny hint of drugs in his system not enough to put him in a coma but Tony remembered his metabolism.

Tony remembered back on the roof when he missed catching Peter, he ran to his suit and jumped off. After him as he caught Peter everyone who had been watching started clapping and cheering.

But all Tony could think about was how he nearly lost his kid. Again. He nearly didn't catch him. And that killed him.

Tony ended up taking him to their new home to the infirmary, which Tony included because of Peter being SpiderMan. He had thought about taking him to a hospital but that would most likely end up exposing that he's SpiderMan and he didn't expect it to be like this.

"Tony," Peter said almost like a whisper sounded very weak, Peter squeezed Tony's hand. He had been almost asleep but he was wide awake after that.

"Kid, oh god I'm so glad your alright," Tony said putting his other hand through his curls.

"I..I'm sorry," Peter said just as weak and quiet as before.

"It's alright, you're still here that's what matters right now," Tony was still worried but tried not to show it.

After about 10 minutes Tony called Bruce in who done a check up, he was almost perfect the only thing was that he was still underweight which they already knew.

"What's wrong?" Peter had been sitting leaning against the wall.

"Me and Tony still don't know what caused you to end up in a coma. We were thinking maybe you overdosed before everything, be..."

"Yeah I did, I wanted to make sure even if Tony caught me again I couldn't be saved. I guess I was wrong though," Peter interrupted looking sadly at the ground.

"He almost didn't catch you Peter. We almost couldn't save you and even when we did you still didn't wake up for over four weeks. You were lucky."

"I don't feel lucky," Peter said after Bruce told Friday to get Tony. "I wanted that, I wanted to be with my family. And you both took that away from me again."

Bruce didn't know what to say, he expected Peter to be angry and sad but he didn't know what he was meant to do. He put everything away before Tony came in and he left.

"Where are we?" Peter asked knowing this wasn't where he had been so many times before. He had calmed down a little from before.

"We're home,"  Tony said smiling.


"Yeah, I knew how you felt about living with all the avengers so I got this place before everything happened bu..."

"I'm sorry, I really am. I thought that way would be better for everyone," Peter interrupted.

"Why didn't you talk to me instead of doing everything you did?"

"I don't know, I guess I thought if I had ran away then I wouldn't hurt you as much. I just...I just wanted it to stop. I couldn't do it anymore, I just...I just wanted to go. I wanted this to stop," Peter said looking at the ground.

"It's alright kid, you're gonna be okay now I'm gonna make sure of it, I promise," Tony said smiling pulling him into a hug. "I'm not gonna leave you, I'm always gonna be here."

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