Chapter 3

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Peter got home and went straight to his room to hide the cut on his and black eye that was forming from May. Going into his drawer to take his blade out realising it wasn't there searching his room remembering he'd forgot to put it back.

He noticed that May had done the laundry and he started panicking.

"Peter!" May shouted as she walked in the door closing it quietly. "I know you're here come on I need to talk to you."

Peter walked out his room, "what's up May?" He asked smiling as he sat on the couch near where she was standing.

"What happened to you?" Walking over and turning his head towards her looking at his eye.

"It's nothing I just fell, I'm fine, don't worry."

Peter had been lying to much lately he didn't like it but he knew if he told the truth he'd hurt the people he loved. She knew he was lying, she knew he had been a lot recently she wasn't angry or hurt just worried.

"You're something Pete, but you're not fine," she looked at him worried.

He hated people looking at him like that he had seen that look given to him so much recently.

"Anyway I wanted to talk about this," she said walking into the other room and coming back putting his blade on the coffee table in front of him. "I've known for a while I just didn't know how to talk about it, but it's getting worse I know that. I can't keep ignoring it, you could've spoke to me about this Pete."

"I know, I know I just uh..I just didn't know how. I thought it'd'd be better to deal with it by myself," Peter had tears in his eyes forcing himself not to let the fall. "I didn't..I didn't want to b..bother you."

"You could never bother me Peter, I just want to help." She sat next to him and hugged him. "I love you Peter and I don't want to lose you, ever."

"I know," Peter started crying into her shoulder.

An hour later Peter was in his room and his phone started to ring, it was Travis.

"Hey, what's up?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go see a movie or something?"

"Yeah sure, let me just ask May."

Peter left his phone on his bed and went out to ask May.

He came back a couple minutes later, "she said yes and that I've got to be back before 10."

"Yeah that's cool, I'll meet you at...uhh.."

"What about at the pizza place nearest the school?"

"Yeah sounds good. See you in half an hour?"

"Yeah see you then," Peter was smiling the biggest smile he had in a long time.

He was about to get ready, he didn't know if it was a date or not but he was hoping it was.

What am I meant to wear? What am I meant to do?

He'd never been on a date before. He thought about asking May but she'd question him for about an hour.

So he decided to ask Mj. He texted her,

Peter: Hey, so Travis just asked me to see a movie with him. What do I wear? Or do?

Not even a minute later Mj was phoning him.

"No way!"

"Yeah, it's uhh.. it's not a big deal. Can you help me?"

"Definitely, try one of your nerdy shirts and a pair of skinny jeans then you'll look like your trying to impress him but also trying to be yourself."

"My shirts aren't nerdy. And I usually wear that so how is that going to impress him."

"Not lately. You've been wearing that hoodie that's like seven sizes to big." MJ said laughing.

"Okay yeah I have but..." Peter was interrupted.

"Stop talking and get ready lover boy," she was laughing but then stopped. "Seriously though I knew there was something with you and this guy, I'm proud of you Pete. And your shirts are nerdy." And she hung up.

Why's she proud of me?

He done what she said wore his usual checkered shirt under his sweater with a pair of skinny jeans and was about to leave.

"Bye Peter have a good time," May came over, she hugged him before giving him $20.

Once Peter got there Travis was already waiting. He stood up from the bench he was sitting on and hugged him. Peter hugged him back. Travis was the kind of person Peter wanted to just keep hugging forever.

They found a table inside and ordered a pizza between them before going to see a movie.

After the movie Travis walked Peter home and when at the door of his apartment building they hugged. Travis kissed him on the cheek and then blushed, Peter just smiled and they said goodbye to each other.

It was 10:16 Peter had text May in the way home saying that he film went on longer than it meant to and he was going to be a bit late.

"Hey May," Peter said as he walked in and closed the door he was still smiling.

"So who's Travis then?" May said smiling seeing the look on the teens face.

"What do you mean?" He knew exactly what she meant he just didn't want to admit it.

"Oh come on you've been friends for about a week and you've never came back from Ned or Mj's looking like that," she said smiling more. "He's something more isn't he?"

"I think," Peter said sitting next to her on the couch. "I don't know what this is, I've never felt it before only for Liz but it's stronger or something." Peter was confused.

"So you like him?" May put her arm around him and pulled him closely. "There's nothing wrong with that Pete. Don't let anyone tell you that there is, their wrong not you."

"Thanks May," he hugged her and got up to go into his room.

"You'll figure it out Pete, just don't beat yourself up about it though." She smiled at him.

When he it into his room and locked his door, he put his spidey suit on and jumped out the window to go on patrol like usual.

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