First steps! - 4

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The next day, you and Leo woke up early to make your parents breakfast. You hadn't done it in a while, as they're always working so much. Most of the time it's just you and your twin. However, it's Saturday and they promised they would take the day off to do whatever the two of you wanted to do. Both of you had decided it was the best way to tell them the news was to make them breakfast.

Both of you had looked into all the information about getting into U.A the night before and were pumped up. After finishing making the last of the pancakes and bacon, whilst Leo made the coffee you heard two sleepy sets of footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Leo, (F/N) what are you two doing? Also, what are you cooking? It's making me hungry!" you just hear a groggy male voice coming from the hallway.

"Come and see Dad. Also, is Mum awake?" you say cheerfully back to them, hardly containing the excitement for the day you and Leo have planned.

"I'm here sweetie, is your brother awake as well." you heard her yawn.

"Yes, I am, my hardworking wonderful parents." Leo was way too over enthusiastic that you knew that your parents would cotton on to that fact something is going.

Seeing them walk into the kitchen and sit at the breakfast bar they're watching you both cautiously as the two of you make your way around. Plating a massive stack of pancakes, bacon and maple syrup from your Dad and Leo and then Eggs Benedict with salmon for you and your mum. Leo puts down an assortment of juices and coffees on the table.

As you all sat down to eat your mum looked up from the table to see you and Leo grinning like Cheshire cats.

"So, thank you for the breakfast but your father and I both know that this usually comes with a price?" she is looking between the two of you with her big golden cat style eyes.

"Your mother is right. What do you want or what have you done?" He states this cautiously whilst he is already halfway through his stack of 20 pancakes.

At that, you and Leo pass them both the applications you'd printed out and filled in last night for them to look at. At first, they look at the paper, then look up to the two of you as you sat there still with the grins on your faces and then they look at each other and just smile. They then continue eating their breakfasts with grins on their faces knowing that the suspense will be eating their twins up. Knowing full well you weren't getting a response till breakfast is finished. So, quickly you fire down the food hoping not to choke as it goes down.

Finally, they finish 20 minutes after the two of you before they look at each other again with a smirk on their faces. Clearly, Leo can't handle the suspense anymore as he just blurts outs.

"What do you think?"

"I know it's sudden but (f/n) and I would make amazing heroes, just like you guys"

"Why aren't you talking?"


"Are you listening?" you look at him a little gobsmacked but that's Leo for you.

All of a sudden Dad is behind you both, each of you picked up with ease under his big arms as he hugs you both tightly against his muscly chest.

"I told you Lilith!" he bellows out nearly deafening you in the process, making you put your ears down slightly. "This is the best day ever! We didn't want to push you to be heroes, as we wanted you to make your own choices, but I knew you would want to do it!" Clearly, your dad was hoping that you would want to become a hero.

Mum just looks over and stretches her body out just like a cat would. Her voice has a purr to it whenever she speaks, and some people find it mesmerising. "This is Purrrfect my little kittens. We need to train you up as you will need to do a written exam and then if you pass that a physical exam! We will help to train you, but you must be your own heroes" Even though she wasn't as energetic as your dad, it was clear that your mum was super excited as well.

With that the whole family had a massive hug, then when straight to business making work out schedules between work and school. It was amazing to be going through this as a family activity and felt you had to do your best no matter what, you couldn't let them down or the people that needed saving from the heroes.

After a few weeks, you both took the written exam and passed it with flying colours. However, the next stage was the physical exam. You were very nervous as you weren't sure what that would consist of; however, you had been training no stop with your family in hand to hand combat, how to use your quirk to your advantage and also you decided to learn to use a whip.

Then before you knew it the day of the exam was here!

Both waking up early before getting your stuff together, and your parents dropped you off giving you lots of encouragement hugs and kisses before they headed off to work. Starting to walk up to the doors of UA, both you and Leo look at each other then back to the doors.

"No matter what happens we've got this," Leo says whilst happily walking along.

Staying by his side, you notice a boy with messy green hair nearly fall over until a cute girl makes him float. Quickly, you take note of her quirk and imagine the things she could do to make things float. Shaking your head, you carry on walking with Leo whilst he rabbles on about what the test could be making your way to the hall.

The two of you sit down in your seats taking note there is no one next to you at the moment but Leo has some pink girl sitting next to him. She seems nice enough but very nervous, so is just focusing forward. Looking at your entrance exam card and then at Leo's.

"So, we won't be in the same exam Leo?" you start to look nervous thoughts going around your head. 'I guess it makes sense, as we would help each other but still how am I going to do this Leo is a lot stronger than me' Just as you get lost in your thoughts you feel the person sitting next to you has arrived and is staring dead at you. Taking a deep breath, you look over and notice two familiar red angry eyes looking back at you.

Before you know what's happened, he flicks your forehead just like last time, however instead of shouting he just gets really close to your ear which tickles and makes you really hot. Feeling his chest rub against your shoulders and his hot breath on your ear.

"What the hell are you doing here? You stupid cat!" Literally, not knowing what to do you're blushing from the closeness of his body but also really pissed off that he is calling you stupid.

Turning to face him, forgetting how close his face is to yours, you feel his warm breath ever so close to your lips making you instantly flush even more and turning away to your brother. Who is luckily looking around the room at the other candidates.

Suddenly a loud voice makes your tail stand on end, getting your attention to the front of the room.

"HELLLLLOOOO EVERYBODY!" as a man tall, slender man with long, spiky blonde hair and a small moustache. Wearing a pair of headphones and a pair of sunglasses. His clothes consist of a black jacket with an upturned collar complete with studs. He also sports a tan, studded shoulder pads, black pants with a red studded belt, black boots, and black fingerless gloves. His neck is completely covered by a directional speaker. Just looking at him you know that this is the Pro Hero Present Mic, you also know you need to put your ears down slightly, so he doesn't burst an eardrum but at the same time you are amazed to see him and the look on your brother's face says he is excited to.

However, the boy next to you just looks like he is angry for some reason, but you don't know wherever it's your fault or that's just his face.    

***** Bit of a long one again I just get some much I want to say.**** 

****Please be aware I don't own the picture or BNHA characters, also some of the story does follow the different arc but I have also added my own twists and sections along the way! So, I hope you enjoy them!***** 

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now