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**** Warning there is a slight mature bit ahead!**** 

His lips smashed against yours, you could feel that he needed you! The thing is you felt the same and, in that instant, you forgot you were at work and kissed him back putting both arms around his neck entangling your fingers in his ash blond hair. 'Damn!'  Both wanting this but have been denying it. Feeling his hands work their way down the sides of your body going around you until they found your ass. He started to knead it like he couldn't grab it hard enough, you jumped up wrapping your legs around his perfect V-shaped waist making him slam you against the wall lifting your skirt.

You could feel his calloused rough palms on your bare skin, groping you as if his life depended on it. This made you moan giving him the chance to slip his tongue between your teeth to claim dominance over your mouth. You didn't like that, fighting with your own tongue until he beat you, as you felt his fingers making their way underneath your frilly maid pants. Moaning in his mouth making him thrust his groin at you rubbing against your underwear that was growing wet. You would give it all to him in an instant you were ready he was ready!

"Ahemmm!" You both stopped turning your heads to the side seeing your boss standing there with a not so happy look on her face. "I'm so sorry Miss Aoi, I don't know what happened" You just kept apologising. You needed this job you couldn't lose it not like this damn it. She was about to say something when you felt an arm go around your waist.

"Apologies Miss Aoi! This was my fault not (f/n)'s as it was the first time seeing my girlfriend at work I couldn't help myself. I'm sure a beautiful young lady like yourself understands. I promise it will never happen again!" He said it with such confidence and with a roguish smile to match. 'Wait a minute did he say girlfriend' Your boss looks at you for confirmation all you can do is nod. Her face changes into a massive smile. "Why didn't you introduce me sooner (F/N)?"

"Well I guess I was trying to keep him all to myself!" you were sweating as you didn't like lying. "This is Katsuki Bakugou he is in my class at UA!" Just then Usai came around the corner seeing Miss Aoi he smiled, "Ah there you are, Miss Kitty, come on our guests are waiting to order!" He looked from you to the boy next to you. "Oh of course! Please come, Master Kat! You must be hungry Meow!" You winked at him. You could tell he didn't like you shortening his name, but he played along with the lie and nodded "Lead the way, Miss Kitty!" He purred, making you flush red.

Miss Aoi was muttering about young love as you walked back to the table. You looked at him and whispered, "Girlfriend Huh?!?" You raised an eyebrow at him "Yeh well better than whatever you were going to say!" he snapped clearly embarrassed now that you questioned him on it. He looked down at his hands. "I was going to ask you the other night, but I know I upset you. I'm truly sorry you stupid cat!" there he was the boy you knew. "Well, I know what my answer would have been!" You wink at him walking back into the room with all your friends in. They all turn to look at the both of you, then burst out laughing you both just look at them confused.

"Bakugou that's a manly shade of lipstick you're wearing dude!" You both turn to look at each other the colour drains from your face realising the bright red lipstick you had on is now smudge on your face and is all over the boy next to you's lips. However, the demon next you just put an arm around you making the heat flush to your face. "Well yeh me and my GIRRLLLFRIEND! Had some catching up to do!" He looked like the cat that got the cream literally. You just face planted your head in your hands. Usai snickered clearly finding the whole thing hilarious, whilst Leo joined him but gave the ruby-eyed boy a glare of 'you hurt her I will kill you' kind of look. Mina wasn't saying much as she knew you were needing to get back to your job, but her eyes said it all that she wants all the details. You just smile at her, whilst Momo gives you a mirror to wipe your lipstick off.

"Errm Miss Kitty I seem to have something on my face will you wipe it off for me!" you could literally feel the smugness coming off the sentence. "Sure, Master Kat! I will certainly do that." You walked over swaying your hips at him wiping your lipstick off his lips. You could hear Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima laugh at what you just called him earning them a hard stare. You even though you saw Midoryia laugh to Ochaco who he was giving quick glances at. You carried on serving and it was nice you felt relaxed for the first time in a long time everyone was laughing and joking. Miss Aoi came in as well to meet your classmates giving them a discount, telling the girls to come work for her as she could always do with new maids.

She especially fell in love with the little frog quirked girl Tsuyu, and you didn't blame her as she would get customers in due to how adorable she would be. The poor girl just kept ribbiting making Miss Aoi, all the more determined to employ her. It was getting towards the end of your shift and they all decided that they would stay till you finished, so you could finish the day with them when Usai came back with my fan mail for the day. 

You see each maid has a little post box where people can put tips in or love notes with the understanding that the maids cannot act on them. You had quite a lot today with tips, date proposals, marriage proposals.

"WOW, you got a few today didn't you!" You hear Leo's tone knowing what they are. "Yeah won't take me long to take the tips out and get changed can you all wait here. Miss Aoi, will you all get them drinks to go I'll pay" Holding your letters up put you noticed a bit of fabric fall between them. You were still in the room with the class not moving you had a bad feeling you reconsidered that piece of material.

 You flicked through the letters until you got to a card, the thing on the card was a picture of you that you didn't know had been taken by the man who attacked you as you were in your underwear with your shirt as a gag. You dropped them papers going everywhere change, falling to your knees you felt sick. 'He was here! I didn't see him! I can't get away!' You hadn't noticed people calling your name you looked up and saw Leo and Katsuki looking down at you. They hadn't noticed yet but then you saw Kirishima pick it up, but you bolted from your position grabbing the piece of top and the card with you on. You opened it to read what it said, 14548 yen falling to the ground.

'Hello, my precious little plaything! Don't you worry I haven't forgotten about you! I don't like how you're trying to make me jealous though, so I will be coming to get you soon! Don't worry I have some nice toys for us! I noticed you like whips well so do I when it bruises that perfect skin like the time I sunk my teeth into you. Always thinking of you my pet! All my love Frēz xxx'

"Leo. He's coming to get me!" you say quietly at first everyone looking worried your friends have started picking everything up for you. You drop to the floor clutching your knees rocking back and forth trembling at the thought of him watching you. Tears run down your face you feel someone grab the card "Boom" you look up and see the eyes of the boy that saved you and he looked as though he is going to kill someone.

"NO ONE IS GOING TO FUCK TOUCH A HAIR ON YOUR BODY APART FROM ME YOU STUPID CAT!" he yells but you know he is worried he blames himself for the man getting away. You reach up your hand to him, but he comes down scooping you up into your chest like the day he saved you but this time his kisses your head walking you to the back room to get changed to go home leaving everyone else behind. "I promise. I will get him for you. I will do that!" he sounded so sad. You look up into his eyes and see a tear leave his eye, you lean up and kiss it removing it as if it was never there.

****Hope your enjoying! Please remember that the pictures and the BNHA characters aren't mine!***

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now