The Call!

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Waking up you were slightly sore from how much Katsuki reminded you that your body can only be touched by him. Looking at your phone it was gone 10 am and you could hear the little snores of the ash-blonde next to you. Turning you saw him slowly start to flutter his eyes open to look at you smirking. "My dick aches I fucked you that hard" he groaned making you giggle and kiss his nose making his face scrunch up. "I think you may have to carry me today my legs feel like jelly" you chuckle making the smirk on his face bigger before lying on his back.

"(f/n) I fucking love you" he took a deep breath as you lent over his toned chest kissing him softly "Katsuki I fucking love you too. I also love you fucking me" you smirked to yourself as he grabbed your waist making you giggle and wince at the same time. "I'm guessing you're too sore?" he started to kiss your collar bone which adorned the activities of last night on it.

Both of you were covered in bite marks, nail marks, bruising from being held to tight and love bites. "We look like we had a fight" you laugh "Fucking worth it. I'm starving and I know your greedy ass will be." He commented between kisses on your chest making you moan "If you moan I'm going to fuck you again" he growls making you push his face playfully.

"I need foooooodddd" you whine making him roll his eyes "Pain in the ass cat" he laughed "You also need to fetch me clothes I think we literally tore each other's off?" you raise an eyebrow "I guess I owe you a new top?" a smug look adorned on his face "Ya damn straight you do if you can even find one online" you hit his chest in attempt to stand your legs give way as your sat on the floor as the smug look grew even bigger.

"You're not fucking clever you know I need the toilet." You snap pouting as he laughs before picking you up and placing you on the toilet before walking out to find you some clothes to wear. When he hears the chain flush he walks back in lifting you and holding you against the sink to wash your hands. "Least I know you'll help if my legs won't work" you lean into him "Of course I would idiot" he put his chin on top your head between your ears. "I can get used to looking at us like this in the bathroom mirror" he starts to kiss down your neck as you push your ass against him and your tail wrapping around him.

"I don't think I can have sex right now" you sigh "I know I like just kissing you ya know," he says his hot breath against your skin. "Want a movie day?" he looks at you in the mirror. "Sounds good" you reach back stroking his hair. "Maybe we could do it in my room as your stinks of sex and caramel. That way Mina and Kirishima can join. But....we can also invite Kaminari and Kyoka in as well." Giving him a massive grin.

"You're trying to get shitty Pikachu and headphone girl to realise they like each other?" he was always smart which you loved about him. "Bingo you win a prize" you smirked as you slide to your knees slowly before turning to face his cock. "Babe you don't..." he finished it with a moan as you grabbed his semi-hard shaft placing it in your mouth and began to suck. "Ok you do" he started to moan as you showed him just how much you loved his dick.

When he finally came he helped you stand back up before you both did your teeth, had a quick shower in which Katsuki had to hold you up since your legs felt like jelly and got dressed into lounge clothes. Both wearing matching t-shirt black with a white skull and black shorts. He dried your hair for you putting into two messy buns. Sitting you on the edge of the bed he lent in front so you could get piggybacked downstairs.

Everyone else had been up and about since about 9 am to 10 am and were getting concerned you two hadn't surfaced yet. "You think he shagged her to death?" Mineta smirked "Mineta that is impropriated language in front of ladies" Iida waved his hands around shouting at the little pervert "Don't forget in front of her brother asshole" Leo snapped still trying to not remember your moans. Alex didn't mind as he had an amazing dream about you moaning his name not that he would admit that to anyone. "It's been stressful for both of them" Kirishima added as Mina nodded next to him. "I'm just glad they got that out their system. They were being assholes" Kaminari moaned remembering Katsuki nearly killing him in training.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now