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It's Saturday the day of the big show! Miss Aoi was buzzing around whilst you all helped set up, as she had got a little stage towards the back of the shop nothing big, but all the equipment needed setting up as well as testing. Tables were moved, you were on seating placement with Mimi, Yoyo and Usai! Mimi was a short timid girl with blonde hair blue eyes, she was petite but had the cutest smile and wouldn't say a bad word about anyone. Yoyo well that wasn't her actual name but her trick for customers was her mad yoyo skills, hence the name that she was given. She was quite tall a little older than you with shoulder length purple hair, she always wore dark makeup, but it really suited her features. She was blunt and to the point, but it wasn't mean it was just she spoke before she thought. Then there was Usai, who was one of the butlers at the maid cafe since you were trying to outreach to the female clientele. He was tall, a slender build but you could tell he worked out. His chestnut brown hair was always slick back in a stylish manner with green eyes. He was nice to you but would happily put people in their place that stepped out of line.

You finished getting the place ready and then it was time to get ready for the show. Miss Aoi had chosen the songs you would be performing. You were singing, Yoyo on drums, Mimi on bass with backing vocals and Usai on guitar for the ladies coming to watch. After the show you would be serving a big group Miss Aoi had informed you there would be 21 of them a mix of both girls and boys, so Usai would be helping. The big group would be sat at the front for the show then taken to one of the private rooms. So, you need to make a good impression to get good tips. Your maid costume was slightly different today more Gothic Lolita to go with the Rock Show theme. Miss Aoi had explained that 50% of today's taking would be going towards a children's hospital.

You could hear everyone gathering outside chatting, but you just took deep breaths. "Hey Hot Stuff! You'll do great! I'm out there with you!" Usai's silky smooth flirtatious voice echoed through your ears. You felt the heat rising to your face but couldn't hide it as you didn't want to rub the glitter and makeup away. "Damn it Usai! You're such a flirt! It won't work on me!" pouting and turning ready to walk onto the stage. "Really now. Your beautiful face would say otherwise, Missy Kitty!" Going redder you focused your breath and put a smile on your face.

"WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY PLEASE GIVE A MASSIVE APPLAUSE FOR OUR RESIDENT MAIDS. MISS KITTY AND THE PUSSYCATS!" Miss Aoi shouted down the microphone and then the curtains opened you stepped forward towards the microphone not looking at the crowd. 'once I start singing I'll be fine! Deep breaths you can do this!' you could hear people shouting Miss Kitty, but you just needed to sing. The instruments started then you began to sing. 

  Please listen to song below for reference. 

🎼Weep for yourself, my man,
You'll never be what is in your heart                                                                                                                               Weep Little Lion Man,                                                                                                                                                         You're not as brave as you were at the start                                                                                                                Rate yourself and rake yourself,                                                                                                                           Take all the courage you have left                                                                                                                      Wasted on fixing all the problems                                                                                                                                   That you made in your own head                                                                                                                                    but it was not your fault but mine                                                                                                                                  And it was your heart on the line                                                                                                                                  I really fucked it up this time                                                                                                                                         Didn't I, my dear? Didn't I, my🎼

You still had your eyes closed, but then you opened them to view the crowd when the music kicked in. You scanned the front row in shock as the whole of your class was sat there mouths agape apart from Leo who was trying to hide from you. Glaring at him you smile give them a little wave then wave to Hoshi, who has clearly spotted the ash blonde who is catching flies.

You carry on with the song dancing along in tune wiggling your hips in time, then going over to the other members of the band dancing with them. You felt free like you could be yourself and you didn't care who was watching you felt alive. Then the song finished, and you had to speak.

"THANK YOU FOR COMING EVERYONE MEOW! I'M MISS KITTY!" You winked at a few boys who had hearts in their eyes. Your class looked stunned still, so you blew a few of them kisses, mostly at the girlies. Then the music started, and the boys still stared at you, but you didn't mind. You looked into the ruby of the boy that plagues your mind his eyes were glued to you his face unreadable. You gave him a small smile, you know he wanted to know where you worked so that he could protect you but now he knows why you didn't tell him.  

Next song

As the music kicked in you walked off the stage microphone in hand towards your classmates, who all turned to look at you. You went behind the boy whose eyes never left yours and you drew your claws, but he didn't flinch. With that you placed a finger under his chin with your claw you looked into his eyes moving your lips closer, you could feel the tension in the room. His breath was so close you wanted to close the gaps, but he needed to know you were in control. His ruby orbs had so much need in them as if needed this more than you. Then you pulled away slowly putting the microphone to your mouth.

🎼Easy come, easy go That's just how you live, oh Take, take, take it all, But you never give Should have known you were trouble from the first kiss, (you rubbed your thumb across his lips)
Had your eyes wide open
Why were they open? 🎼

You drew closer again at that moment in time there was only the two of you in the room.

🎼Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash                                                                                         You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked, 'cause
What you don't understand is🎼

You don't know why but, in that moment, you need to kiss him. It was fast but your plumb lips with the red lipstick on kissed him on the cheek. If you weren't wearing the lipstick no one would have known. His eyes flung open and he tried to grab your wrist but you pounced like a cat over your class back onto the stage.

🎼 I'd catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'd jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) oooh, oh

I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby
But you won't do the same... 🎼

You looked down at the boy you wanted so badly and sung this song to him, yeh you were still mad at him, but you couldn't deny what you needed. And what you needed was him. When the song was done you looked up and everyone was clapping, but Hoshi looked hurt you knew why but you made it clear he was just your friend. 'I'll message him later' A few songs later the show ended, and it was time for the private party were you and would be serving your fellow class mates. 'Fuck this is going to be tense!' 

***Hope you guys liked this chapter I'm getting little inspiration from the Manga Maid Sama*** 

***Remember I don't own the BNHA character, the song or pictures.***

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now