Hurt on both ends!

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****Above is what I feel Leo looks like but with what hair colour you choose with with a purple and a gold eye. I don't own the picture.****

Katsuki POV

'What have I done? Why did I say those things? FUCK SAKE STUPID FUCKING RAGE! THIS DEKU'S FUCKING FAULT. HE LIED TO ME! Now I've lost her!'

"Man, you ok? You seem pretty bummed out! Was it because of what (f/N) said?" Kirishima was trying to cheer me up but it won't work 'I need to act like it doesn't bother me I can't show weakness.' "Nah it's cool she is right I just pitied her and her stupid quirk! What the fuck is strong about being like a stupid cat!" he lied through his teeth not sure if he brought it or not. Just a smirk as if reading through his thoughts.

"My sister's quirk isn't fucking stupid you prick! Couldn't you fuckin' see with your own two fuckin' eyes on your ugly fuckin' face!" Leo spits at the boy who didn't know this guy could get mad. "She won't tell you this because she was shy, but she liked you. You were the only thing that made her feel safe! That's why she would always message you back, so late speaking to your stupid mug helped her sleep without nightmares of him." He was literally up in his face Katsuki wanted to punch him, but he knew he was right in a way. 'I need to make this up to her I was going to ask her out tonight and give her that damn whip back'

"Leo, I know you hate me right now but where and when does she have work! So, I can say sorry where she can't walk away, she works in a restaurant right!" he pleaded with your brother.

"No fucking way bro! She is pissed with me as much as you I'm not telling you where she works or when. You need to deal with it and move on! Hoshi is better for her than you, from what she said he is calm and sweet to her" That was it he lost it and grabbed Leo up by his top, Kirishima and Kaminari tried pulling him back but couldn't. 

The boy with the eyes like yours just looked and laughed. "I see I hit a nerve, so you know you don't fucking scare me! I'll be civil with class but don't expect me to help you. I know what you want with her body, you saw it after all when you walked in on whatever that pervert was doing to my sister!" he punched Katsuki's chest sending him flying 'Fuck I need to do something, chocolates, flowers, jewellery. Fuck! I'll speak shitty hair or dunce they will know. Man why am I bad at this and why do I need her to see me again'

Normal POV

"Hi Hoshi, thanks for this I owe you one, big time!" you went up and gave him a hug saying bye to Mr Aizawa, who All Might must have filled in the details, but he didn't seem to care. "No problem! So, what happened!" you looked down but then he put his arm around you. As you felt secure and safe like you could tell him anything. Explaining what happened to him and he listened, you ended up sitting at the park. After a few coffees and it was nice, like having Alex back as you could tell him everything. "So, let me get this straight that prick nearly BBQed you to get to some kids he has beef with. How immature! He wants to be a hero geez he won't pass the exams with that attitude." Hoshi made it obvious he wasn't a fan but a little part of you hurt now that you didn't want to know him the boy that saved you.

Hoshi put his hand on yours making you look up, tears had made their way onto your cheek and you hadn't even noticed. Feeling his hand move from your hand to cup your face, it felt so warm and you rubbed your face against his palm. His thumb swiped away the tears that had escaped away, and he stared into your eyes. "You know you really do have pretty eyes! They remind me of jewels, that I want to treasure!" it was a smooth relaxing voice that came from his lips, you looked into his eye as well they were like emeralds beautiful, but you also remember the rare rubies that shone in another set of eyes. You blushed at his word and lowered your head, but he raised it again, "you know I mean it right?" you just nodded as you didn't want to make anything awkward. "Well good! Plus, I said we can go food anywhere you want my treat!"

"I can pay don't worry thank you for coming to get me!" You try to insist but he is having none of it, so you make your way to the closest place to eat, you chat some more before he walks you to your house. He walks you to the door and insists that he isn't leaving till he sees you go in. You lean in and give him a hug as he hugs you back holding tightly like he never wants to let you go but as he leans back he moves to your cheek as his soft lips leave the lightest kiss on there. You instantly go red but then remember the kiss you shared with Katsuki earlier. It was an accident that you wish wasn't, at the time you wanted more, and, in your heart, you wanted more but you wouldn't act on it. You wished Hoshi a good night insisting he messaged or called when he got home.

Going inside your house you noticed the light was still on and Leo sitting at the bottom of the stairs looking at his phone. He probably just got there he wouldn't have waited all night. He looked up as you entered the house. "Are we ok? Are we going to talk about what happened today? Everyone was worried!" he sounded worried, sad, concerned you're not sure what. You just shrugged your shoulders, jumping over him on the stairs.

"(F/N) Please don't ignore me, we've always been through everything together me and you against the world" He pleaded with you to turn around, but you wouldn't you just stopped. "Leo, I need time on my own, please respect that! It didn't happen to you it happened to me and now I went and got my heart broken! I've decided to work every night for the rest of the week and also Saturday. If you could walk me there after school that would be great, but I'll get a taxi or Hoshi to bring me home." you looked down "I really like him ya know! I should have known he saw me as weak! I'm going to get a bath and go to bed night. I'll see you in the morning to walk me to school, also people know enough about me I don't want them knowing where I work as well!"

With that, you walked upstairs leaving Leo to think about what he can do to cheer you up. 

**** I don't own BNHA Character or picture above.**** 

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