That Scent?

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That night you spend it not really sleeping much, so the next day at school you're both a lot more irritated than usual. Snapping at anyone but each other and at lunch, you both decide to go have a nap under a tree as Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima and Mina eat lunch watching you snuggled on his chest as he had his hands behind his head.

"Oh my god, they look Ador-a-ble!" Mina coed as Kirishima tried to get her to keep the noise down since he would most likely get blamed. "You think they were up all night doing the dirty?" Kaminari smirked, "You're such a perv but most likely!" Kirishima commented his cheeks going red as he glanced to the pink girl in the group wanting to ask her out so badly.

When you both woke up you felt so much better and stopped snapping at people so much. You had worked most nights that week and Hoshi seemed to be in every night to have a coffee with you before you finished. He said it's because he knew you hadn't many shifts left until you had a few weeks off. To be honest, you had an allowance and had saved quite a bit of money by this point, so you were debating focusing more on your studies. Your parents had also suggested it as you needed to focus on the new term fully on your studies as it only gets harder.

Katsuki had insisted on walking you home most nights as he just wanted to see you. Sometimes he would be on his own and other times Kirishima would be with him as they had been the arcade or sometimes would have a chill in the cafe itself. Before you knew it, Friday was here and that meant results day. Sitting in class Mr Aizawa handed out the results it was well known that if you didn't pass you would be staying in the school for summer classes instead of going to the training camp.

As you looked at your results a smile formed on your face as you had got pretty good results better than you had thought. Apparently taking charge in the practical had gained some more points. Looking at Katsuki he looked bored meaning he passed but when you looked at Leo he literally looked devastated. Taking a look around the room Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero and Leo all looked down.

"Right class. I know some of you failed however, it shows in the written exam that you have seriously improved. Due to this everyone will be going to camp, and you will be doing extra night classes!" Aizawa said as bored as ever. With that everyone was cheering before arranging a shopping trip the day after. "You're coming tomorrow right Bakugou?" Kirishima asked the ash blonde. "Nah fuck that!" he grumbled as he looked at you.

"Well I will be going!" you smiled as you wanted nice new stuff for the summer. "Tch whatever" was all you got as he was mad because he knew you were busy with Alex being back for the last week before heading home when you go to camp. "Someone is grumpy!" you pout grabbing the blonde's cheeks. "Watch it cat!" he grumbles making you laugh. "Your cute when you're angry!" you smile as he just scowls at you.

Talking to the rest of the class you grab Kirishima "Hey shall we just turn up and get him tomorrow?" you smirk as he smirks back his pointy teeth on show. "Sounds good. I'll text ya!" he smirks before talking back with the rest of the class. After that, you head home and have a pretty relaxed night apart from Leo being told he needs to use his brain more by your parents. You felt pretty bad for him as they were telling him off as you walked into the kitchen "I think you being a little harsh. Even Mr Aizawa said his grades have improved." you smiled giving your brother a hug as he pouted. "Fine!" your parents gave up before chilling in front of the sofa with you.

The next day you met up with Kirishima just down the road from Katsuki's house. "You know he is going to pout and scream about not coming!" you smirk at your boyfriends' best friend. "Yeh I know. Wouldn't be manly of me if he got left out though," he smirked as you nodded. "Well I have the perfect way to get him to come out!" you had a plan and one that wouldn't fail.

"Oh, have you asked Mina out yet?" glancing at the spiky red-haired boy whose face is matching his hair. "You go on about being manly when you could just ask least you can move on if not...but if she does which I think she does." you wiggle your eyebrows at the boys as you're sure he is about to have a nosebleed. Knocking on the door Mitsuki answers looking at the two of you "Oh hey (f/n), Kirishima you here for Katsuki?" she smiled letting you in as you took your shoes off.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now