First Day!

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You found out that there was a total of 22 students in total and 2 of those students got in on recommendation. You were so nervous as you clung to Leo's arm on the way to your classroom 1-A.

"(F/N), don't be such a scaredy-cat! I'm in the same class" He sounded so confident, he wasn't scared of anything but you guess you had been a little more skittish, since being attacked by a villain. Then all of a sudden Leo stopped and you looked up, seeing a ginormous door.

"Jeez, do they have giants here!" You and Leo literally said at the same time. He pushed the door to one side whilst you kept your arm linked around his and your eyes down on the floor. You didn't want to look up yet even though you could see your new classmates looking up at you. You felt ashamed still that a villain got the best of you and wasn't sure if you were the right person for the class.

Leo started to walk forward dragging you with him as your feet weren't moving. That's when you heard someone shouting at another student.

"Take your feet off the table, it's the first day and you're already disrespecting this school by scuffing school property! You cretin!" The voice sounded angry but clearly was a respectful student. That's when you heard a familiar voice that held so much sass and confidence.

"You're kidding me, right? Your old school put a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?" You finally looked up placing the eyes on the boy that saved you. He was talking to the boy you saw at the induction at the entrance exam. The boy with the navy blue hair and glasses, who seemed a little taken aback by what Katsuki had just said. He then continued in a more reasonable tone.

"Let's start over! I'm Tenya Iida previously from Soumei Junior High School." He holds out his hand, but Katsuki isn't quite done.

"Soumei huh? You must think you're better than me! I'm going to have fun tearing you a new one!" Iida is in complete shock at what has just happened questioning why the spiky hair by would threaten him. You look at Leo who is just smiling watching it all unfold, he loves a good bit mischief himself and obviously has already met Katsuki the night he saved you.

All of a sudden Iida turns towards you and your brother stood taking it all in and he just says "it's him" at first you think they're all looking at Leo but that's when you spot a green bush of messy hair behind you, so turning to look as well. The poor boy starts frantically saying Hi looking completely helpless. 'Poor Guy!'

Iida then goes over and starts introducing himself talking about their exam. Your brother had already filled you in explaining that there was one boy who broke his bones by saving some girl from the 0 point monster. It sounded really impressive, so you looked over wondering how such a little guy had, so much strength. You hear his name is Izuku Midoriya, he seems a little nervous about what Iida is saying but then a cute girl pops up behind him making him bright red. You feel you've been staring long enough to be fair, so nudge Leo's arm to go find seats. He just looks down and rolls his eyes at you.

"You do know you're going to need to make friends right?" He whispers in your ear.

"I know I'm just a bit nervous, ermm I'm not sure I should be here I couldn't do anything..." but before you can finish a sentence you feel someone tug on your tail. You turn round to see two familiar red eyes staring at you looking at you but then look back to the poor Midoriya, and if looks could kill her would probably be dead right now. You notice a seat next to him and he looks at you to sit down.

"Leo I'll take this one ok!" you look at your brother he smirks and walks to a chair two seats back which is next to a boy with one side of his hair red and the other white, he also has a scar over one of his eyes. As your staring though you're snapped out of it by someone grabbing your wrist.

"WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU STUPID CAT!" it's literally so loud the whole class turns to look at you and Katsuki who still has his feet on his desk. Turning to look at Leo who is just pretending he didn't hear it with a smile on his face.

"Ermm... Well.... You......." you start stuttering as everyone is looking at you.

"WELLL!" He shouts at you but before you answer the cute girl at the door squeals. 'Phew, I owe her one' Looking behind them you can see like a big yellow caterpillar with a face, a very tired and fed up looking face. Then it starts to speak in an irritated but bored sounding voice.

"If you want to make friends then you can pack up your things now. Welcome to U.A's Hero Course!" The three students at the front of the class look horrified as it starts unzipping revealing a man in a sleeping bag. He then continues in the same tone.

"It took 8 seconds before you all shut up! That's not gonna work as time is precious and rational students would understand that!" We all just stare at the guy dumbfounded. Taking a closer look he is a slender and tall man with messy, shoulder-length black hair that partially hangs in front of his face and with half-opened tired black eyes and looks extremely pale. He is wearing a ragged black outfit that consists of a long-sleeved shirt and matching pants that tuck into his boots. He also wears a utility belt and some kind of scarf.

He then turns to look at the rest of the class.

"Hello I'm Shota Aizawa...your teacher!" Everyone makes a shocked sound at the same time. It even knocks Leo back a bit. He starts rummaging in his sleeping bag and pulls out the school gym uniform.

"Right! Let's get to it! Put these on and head outside." Everyone is just looking at him a little confused at first but start moving to the changing rooms to get changed. You get up from your desk and go to head out to get changed but you feel someone still holding your tail. You turn to look as see your hero staring straight at you. He let's go and walks over nodding at you to walk with him, so you do he leans down close to one of your ears making it twitch but then whispers in a caring voice.

"I didn't tell you because I didn't want to make you feel bad. Jeez!" He looked away as if embarrassed he is admitting some deep dark secret to you but then he goes back to his usual cocky self.

"OH STUPID CAT TRY NOT TO FLASH YOUR BOOBS AT EVERYONE THIS TIME!" he literally yells it and some of the classmates stood near you look away as if they know what he is talking about, so they must have been in your exam. 'What a jerk! Man, I'm so embarrassed! Literally, I have to go through 3 years with this douche! Damn it!' You just glare at him going bright red before running off to get changed little tears in the corner of your eyes.

You try to forget what he said making your way outside to the rest of the class standing next to your brother and trying not to look anyone else in the eye. Then you notice your teacher Mr Aizawa.

"You're going to a quirk assessment test!" he just drops the mic like that with everyone shouting at the same time.


****Hope you like it. I don't own any of the BNHA character or the picture above.****

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