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Walking to Katsuki you've never been happier as you smile at him leaving Hoshi on the ground. 'I can save him. I know...' you were brought out of your thoughts by the sound of wood creaking and a rush of air coming closer, looking at Katsuki you knew he is the target. Activating your quirk enhancing your speed like a cheetah you sprint forward pushing Katsuki to the ground. That's when you felt the shooting pain in your side as your eyes widen and the taste of blood coming up your throat.

Instantly you feel to your knees give way facing the white-haired boy yelling "Nooo! Why did you do that?" as you stare you think of the perfect thing to say as you smile widens "It's ok now! You can be free! Do you know why? Because I am here!" with that you feel your body go cold 'I don't want to die' you think before you watch your body drop to the floor but your soul not in it.

That's when you watch the scene unfold as you watch the boy you love crying trying to wake you before yelling at the white-haired boy. Looking around you see everyone in tears as you look at your current form tears falling from your face as you try to place a hand on Katsuki's cheek, but he can't feel your touch. "I didn't want to die!" you cry out loudly as you drop to your knees in front of the ash-blonde mourning your body as Hoshi is yelling, he can bring you back.

"He can't bring you back ya know!" you hear a voice directed at you it's a soft feline voice with a soft purr to it. Being dead you didn't have your senses that you would normally have and as you turned there was no one behind you. "He really is a handsome boy the one you love!" the voice said this time in front of you standing behind the ash-blonde boy sobbing. Looking up it was a beautiful woman with black hair, big golden cats' eyes, with ears and a tail just like you. She even had the whisker marks on her face as you did.

She wore a stunning Egyptian dress as she swayed towards your confused face "My you look a little confused little cat. You do realise who I am right?" she bent down and stroked your ears and you could feel her as you lent into her hand as you had always known her. "You do use my name as your hero name" the woman smirked making your eyes shoot open and your mouth drop. "No, you couldn't be!" you gasp as she smiles and her face changes to that of a lioness as she speaks in her true form "I am indeed!" she smiles before turning back to human.

 "No, you couldn't be!" you gasp as she smiles and her face changes to that of a lioness as she speaks in her true form "I am indeed!" she smiles before turning back to human

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"Bastet?" you sounded confused "In the flesh well not quite." she giggled and meowed at the same time as she continued to stroke your ears. "I've always watched you since I'm an ancestor, you're of my line but when you choose my name. I was intrigued to see what you would do. If you were worthy to use the name of a warrior goddess!" she lay on her side as she watched the scene unfold as they struggled to take your body from the ash blonde's arms.

"Its true love you know!" she smiled licking her lips as you were to in shock to speak. "Unfortunately, I didn't get to see what you had to offer and I've come to take you to the afterlife." she said sighing as you stood there she almost sounded disappointed in you "Please.." you called out as she stood with her back to you smirking. "Let me go back I'll prove I'm worthy!" you called out as you grabbed her dress holding her there as she smirked.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now