Let's do it! - 3

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It's as if you had been completely frozen, unable to comprehend that someone has just called you a stupid cat. Staring at the angry red eyes intently, a fury building within you, 'what the hell? I'm clearly a person how big does this idiot think house cats grow?'

"HELLOOOOOOOOOO EARTH TO STUPID FUCKING CAT! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU WALK INTO ME?!" you just can't believe the abuse that you're getting off this angry boy with crimson eyes. It takes you a few seconds to look up, blinking at him from where he pushed you off him.

"DO YOU NOT SPEAK HUMAN? YOU STUPID FUCKING ANIMAL!" that was it, he had pushed your last nerve well over the brink.

"DO I LOOK LIKE I'M AN ANIMAL YOU IDIOT? I'M CLEARLY A PERSON!!!" Flipping up to your feet, staring up into his eyes, your face completely red from anger.

Gazing up you notice that you are quite a bit short than he is, your face is looking directly at his chest and his chin at a level that it could rest on top of your head.

'Why the hell is he covered in slime? Also, his shirt is sticking to his chest and he clearly works out' Just as you are in your own little world, you feel someone flick your head making you glare up to see the handsome face of the ash-blonde boy smirking at you.

"Why the hell are you smirking? Also, you can't go round flicking people's heads!" Pouting at him in retort.

"Was just noticing you staring at me? Did you see something you like?" His voice was smug, a cocky grin on his face. It gave the urge to punch him right in his smart mouth but you somehow managed to refrain as you felt it wouldn't be very heroic. Blushing a little that you had been caught out, you turn away to walk off but glance back.

"I'm sorry I bumped into you. I wasn't paying attention. I smelt something funny. Clearly, it's whatever the hell you have all over your body. I would advise taking a shower because it's not a good smell at all." Frowning back at him, then the sound of your brother Leo calling your name. "Well... I would say it's been a pleasure to meet you, but I would be lying" The sarcasm dripping from your tone as you stride away.

Drowning out the shouts focused on you, you just walk off meeting your brother to head home. It had been a long day and that guy just finished it off nicely. All you wanted to do was get home, get out of your clothes that are now covered in whatever the hell the angry guy had on him, and have a shower.

"Hey Leo, thanks for coming. I felt like someone was following me from work" Glancing at Leo, he just looked back a smile on his handsome face.

"I've told ya, I don't like you working this late, especially when Mum and Dad are at work (F/N)." The smile faltered slightly; he was concerned but then randomly started to laugh at you.

"What the hell are you laughing at? This isn't funny!" Glaring at your brother, who was now relaxed enough to laugh at your expense.

"What the hell do you have on your face? It's not the most appealing thing or is it something your boyfriend...who may I add you were giving googly eyes to at the store, when you were hugging on the floor?" Leo said trying to keep a straight face but then burst out laughing even harder. That was it you slapped him around the back of the head with your tail.

"LEO HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND! I HAVE NO IDEA WHO THAT ANGRY BOY WAS! I JUST BUMPED INTO HIM WHEN I WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION!" With that, you huffed indicating that was the end of that conversation.

When you got home, you ran straight upstairs to grab a quick shower and get into you pyjamas. Meanwhile, Leo made you something to eat. Nothing massive just some tuna and pasta to apologies for making fun of you. Both of you then sat down to watch the TV, and the next thing you saw was the angry boy on the news whilst flicking for something to watch.

"Leo, put the news back on one second," As you edged closer to the end of the sofa to get a closer look.

"Today the Sludge Villain attacked a schoolboy and tried to possess his body and quirk until he was rescued by All Might the Symbol of peace," At that instant, you felt really bad for saying that the ash-blond boy smelt bad. Of course, you had no idea he had been attacked. So, engrossed in the details, you don't even notice that Leo was talking to you until you feel a cushion slammed you in the side of the face.

"OI" Hissing high pitched at your brother in response.

"Well. you should listen to me when I'm talking to you (F/N)" you glare at him, but you know he is right.

"Sorry, that was the boy from the store" admitting, knowing that your brother would no doubt make fun of you again.

"Ohhh, I thought he looked familiar," you can hint a snicker in his voice, that when you look over, he is wiggling his eyebrows at you. Slightly blushing, you ignore him and keep watching the TV.

Leo sighs, leaning back against the sofa with his arms behind his head.

"What's up Leo? Why so blue?" You shimmy closer to him, wondering what could have gotten to him in such a short period of time.

"Wouldn't it be great if I was a hero like All Might, Mum, and Dad?" That makes you look into his face and you've never seen him with such a determined look in his eyes. You both trained together in hand-to-hand combat. Your parents want you both to be able to take care of yourself, saying that when you were both little you would be the ultimate hero duo. However, due to the move, neither one of you has looked into the hero courses.

"THAT'S IT!" Leo bolts up off the sofa, knocking you to the floor. Staring up at him, rubbing your ass where you landed with an annoyed look.

"What's it that you had to knock me off the sofa?" hints of anger coming through your gritted teeth.

"Well, remember when we were kids, and we use to pretend to be heroes? Well, I found out that one of the best hero programmes isn't that far from here," At that, he picks you up with one hand and places you back on the sofa, kneeling down in front of you.

"Let's become heroes and apply to the best hero programme in all Japan at U.A High School and become just like All Might and our parents?" Leo sits and gazes at you, waiting anxiously for your response.

Looking back at him, you can tell he really wants to do this as a team. Glancing back at the TV at the story with the sludge monster for a moment. 'What if I could be a hero and save people like that angry boy? It would be great! I like to help people and I would love to be like mum and dad'.

Suddenly, you smack your hands on the sides of both Leo's cheeks.

"Let's do it! We can be amazing heroes and help, so many people!"

***Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I feel the last three have been kinda filler as I just need to get that kind of backstory in. Any feedback would be great! I hope I don't ramble on too much. I know my chapters are quite long but I just have soo much in my head ****

****Also, the picture doesn't belong to me****

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now