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Literally, before you could even get near Katsuki a pink blur came flying to you throwing their arms around you, followed by the rest of the girls hugging you. It was so warm in the middle of all these girls that you was starting to feel sleepy.

"Sorry we didn't tell you"

"Leo told us to not give it away!"

*Ribbit* "It's going to be fun!"

"You look super cute in your PJ's!"

Literally, they were all talking at you at once, the thing is the class consisted of more boys than girls. You then felt a hand grab your wrist pulling you out of the pile of bodies, as you were being pulled you noticed Mineta had a nose bleed and so did a lot of the boys. Midoryia was trying not to make any eye contact with the hugging girls but kept glancing at a certain round-faced girl 'AWWW SUPER CUTE!' you thought. Before you knew it you was sat on someones sleeping bag arms wrapped around you in a possessive manner as if to say she is mine. You didn't even need to look to know who it was.

"AWW BAKUGOU GIVE HER BACK TO US!" Mina pretended to cry. "SHUT THE FUCK UP RACCOON EYES SHE IS MINE!" He Yelled. "Wow, you do realise you idiot I have super sensitive hearing don't ya!" Glaring up into the boy's eyes who had rested his head on yours. "TCH" is all you got. Then Leo came through holding loads of pizza with Todoroki, Shota and Iida. He put them on the floor for everyone to dig into. Katsuki grabbed a piece and started eating it. Clearly, your pizza wasn't done yet and your stomach rumbled. 'Man, I'm hungry!' You then saw a piece of cheesy pizza being shoved towards your mouth. "Eat you, idiot! You haven't grabbed any pizza! Your clearly hungry eating that gross fish" You literally went bright red that he had seen that.

"HAHA Do~N'T Fe~ed T~H~e Da C~at!" Leo with a mouth full of food who had three pizzas to himself. Katsuki looked mad as if your brother was starving you, standing up you walked to the kitchen looking at your pizza in the oven. Theirs all smelt better than yours which made you sad. Grabbing it out and putting it on a plate before walking back to the rest of your classmates with a piece of pizza hanging out of your mouth "Allergies! You just nearly sent me to the hospital! heheh"

Everyone just nodded clearly too hungry to talk. Once everyone was finished you lay on your back with your hands on your stomach as you were so full and now needed a cat nap! "I'm just going to nap now!" you yawned. Then you felt a flick on your head looking up to see ruby orbs looking down at you. "Don't be rude you have guests!" clearly irked as he probably wanted attention.

"Can I ask a ummm a question (f/n) and Leo?" it was as shy timid voice of the green haired boy that was being glared at by the ash blonde who's lap you were lying on.

"Sure?" you both said at the same time. "Well ermm I wasn't there but Ochaco told me that All Might said your parents are Pro Hero just like Todoroki's dad?" You looked at Leo and sighed "They're not as popular as Endeavour, but yeah they're pro heroes. Leo best to show them downstairs!" You looked at your brother as he knew what you were referring to, the work out space under the house that had their costumes etc in. You both trained down there as well, you hadn't told anyone that you were actually from London.

You got up pulling Katsuki up holding his hand and leading him towards the secure door, putting the code in. "This is sooo coool!" you hear Kaminari say to the rest of your class. You flicked the light on walking down giving them a tour, there was the gym were you all trained of course with custom weights for your dad and Leo. Then multiple different whips etc on the wall of both yours and your mum's. Then there were their costumes they wore in London and then when they were yours and Leo's age.

You could hear Midoryia mumbling the stats of your parents having clearly worked out they were the current number 15 and 16 heroes Kitty Claws and Powerhouse. "I guess you could say were each a half of our parents."

"Omg has your mum worn this costume?"

"How strong is your dad"

"Were you born here or in the UK!"

Etc etc etc the question kept coming you answered them the best you could. Katsuki seemed to be absorbing the information to store away for a later date. Todoroki seemed a little miffed about something he, but he was always like that maybe he will come a bit more out of his shell later. "So, your English not Japanese!" You turned to look at your boyfriend. "Yeh is that a problem!" He leaned next to your ear "Not it's hot and turns me on! I knew there was something about that accent of yours. I couldn't place it!" You face went bright red, "Anyways we should go back up put a movie on and I'll grab a sleeping bag!" Swiftly walking back upstairs. "OOO (F/N) can we see your room!" All the girls were giving you big goo goo eyes.

You just beckoned them with your hand to follow you not noticing that most of the boys had looked at each other to state they wanted to listen into this conversation. Your room was cute it was (F/C) but nothing special but you had lots of clothes and pictures of you with people from back home. As soon as you stepped through the door the girls all started asking questions.

Katsuki POV

'Damn I wanted to see her room first fucking stupid girls' "Guys there are a load of girls in the same room we need to listen to this." Dunce face immediately walking upstairs. "Err I don't think that would be polite!" stupid Deku clearly has no sexual desires ever. Katsuki started to walk upstairs Leo clearly not bothered as he stayed downstairs with Icyhot, birdbrain, the weird quiet one, sugar freak, tentacles boy, monkey boy and sparkles. He went upstairs with shitty hair, cello tape boy, grape boy, dunce, glasses and Deku.

As they approached the door quietly and listened through. "Soo (F/N) have you and Bakugou you know done it! hehe" clearly raccoon eyes who is a complete nosy bitch. "Ermmm well no! We've just kissed but ya know maybe in the future!" "EKKKKKKK" 'literally nearly fucking deafened me.' Then heard you deflect the question, "Sooooo Mina you and Kirishima huh?!?" " I've seen the way you look at him also!" this was from the bitch with spiky black hear. "ermmm well the dude doesn't wear a shirt. Have you seen how hot his body is!" turning to the guy in question who is the same colour as his hair is. Katsuki let out a small laugh but then it turns again his girlfriend really is on fire and pays more attention than he realises, "Also Jiro, you and Kaminari seem a little close is it because your quirk is quite compatible or are there sparks?" he hears you giggle instantly sending bad thoughts to his head. 'Man, I want to hear her giggle like that whilst I have my hands on her body'  Snapping out of it he can't think that right now. 'Damn I missed what she replied.'

Kaminari looks a little flustered but then Katsuki heard the accused snap back "I don't know what you're talking about MOMO! You clearly want Todoroki!" a few of girls choke "Well umm maybe but ummm Toru is totally into a boy with a tail!" the invisible girl doesn't even deny it but just responds "Well I know a certain cutie who can't take her eyes off a green hair boy" Deku goes bright red and Katsuki is forced to keep a laugh in. He hears them all giggling. "Anyways thank you guys you've really taken my mind off that monster stalking me!" you're all the best but I'm sorry if I wake you all up with me screaming tonight!" He literally chokes and so does the rest of the guys thinking that she means from him fucking her. 'Shit like I want to but not around all these people!' You hear the girls bellow out laughing and the door flings open with a cushion literally smacking the boys in the face. He sees you who is bright red waving your hands in the screaming say 'no not like that I have night terrors ask Leo.'

Mina is literally rolling on the floor laughing, Kirishima goes over to her and she stops and goes a hot pink colour realising they heard everything. "Well, that's enough time in my room let's go get some sleep it's getting late. I'll just bring my duvet and cushions down. AND I SWEAR TO GOD YOU PERVERT IF YOU GO THROUGH MY UNDERWEAR I WILL CHOKE YOU!" he turns to see the purple pervert making his way into the room before spectacles run in and pick him up telling him how disrespectful it is to enter a lady's room. 

Everyone then heads downstairs, but he takes this opportunity to take a look at your room whilst you're is gathering your bedding and stuff. Katsuki notices a few whips on the wall obviously for combat but damn it's sexy and he does want you to scream his name. 

*****Hope you enjoyed. I don't own the BNHA Character or the picture above. ****

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now