Heroes 1-Villains 1

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Using your nose you were trying to find anyone but the smoke mixed with the poison was making it hard. All of a sudden you heard a gunshot. "Shit" you called as it was towards the poison. "Fuck. Fuck!" you call as you continue to run down the mountain. You were surprised you hadn't come across anyone yet since you were a target which must mean they were all in combat or you were just lucky but you doubted that since you were a target. You needed to find someone or people to group with. You had a target on your back and you knew it was Frez's master who seemed to have taken a liking to you.

Smelling the air you noticed the poison was gone meaning that someone had taken out the person causing it. "Where the hell is everyone!" you whispered. All of a sudden you see explosions as you fall to your knees in hope "I don't care who sees me naked right now!" you think as you transform into a jaguar. You start to make your way through the forest as you hear Katsuki yelling "I don't need your protection and (f/n) is still out there!" On instinct you roar to let him know you're there as you pound through the forest.

However, even though that made the boys aware of your presence you were still too far away for them. "Did you hear that?" Midoryia commented "You think that was..." Todoroki commented. "She should be back at camp." the green haired boy commented since he never knew you ran after him. "Good!" Katsuki commented as you ran forward to find him to feel safe but then you stopped in your tracks as a figure came out the trees then two more.

"My my that's new my pet. I didn't know you could do that. Oh wait I did Miss Kitty. Your dear friend told me everything once I applied the right pressure." the voice you knew the voice but from where the scents as well. Two of them so familiar the third wasn't though as you tried to back away a blue fire bolt shot behind you everyone looked towards the sound but they continued with their own battles.

"Come on now. Show your pretty face! Oh and here put this own!" the voice commented as a dress came flying over to you. "Don't worry I only intend to look once you love me" the voice commented the other two said nothing. It's like you should know the voice but something is blocking you memory. "Oh if you don't I can have that boyfriend of yours killed!" the voice laughed manically.

Changing into a human form you slipped the white goddess style dress on as you looked down the figures hadn't moved closer. "You know what it would be more fun for the goddess Bastet to run don't you think boys!" the voice called out. "Go on Miss Kitty. I will catch you and I'll finally take you. I'm fed up of waiting now!" the male voice called "You really think you should do that. Twice will be pissed and Shigaraki will be pissed." an unfamiliar voice called. However, under your breath you heard a voice you did know if only for a second as if it was gone before it came. 


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"Save yourself" it whispered before leaving again you were sure it was a friends voice before you started running through the forest to the explosions. "KATSUKI!" you yelled "WAIT FOR ME!" you yelled but he couldn't hear you as you run. Running you could smell blood mixed with jasmine the same from the shopping centre. "Ochacho get back to camp!" you heard Tsu voice. "Tsu what about you?" Ochacho called your ears in overdrive.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now