The Family - 1

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For the (L/N) family, life was great! Your mother and father were Pro-Heroes in the making. Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of heroes from all around the globe. Alas, the ones that made the headlines was the ones in Japan.

That is of course where the Symbol of Peace, All Might is based. That is why when you and your twin brother Leo were 17 your parents decided it was time to move to Musutafu, Japan which wasn't too far from Tokyo.

Lilith and Drake, your parents were becoming two of the top heroes within the UK, however, they felt this was a necessary move as a family. Your mother's quirk was called 'Cat', this basically means she looks human but has cat ears, cat-like eyes, a tail and retractable claws. As well as being very dexterous, just like a cat. That meant she was great at acrobatics, jumping and basically anything that meant being flexible, or possibly fitting into tiny places within reason of course.

Basically, your mum could do whatever a cat could do. The downside though is her intolerance for lactose, as one sip of the stuff means a trip to the hospital. Lilith is a very beautiful woman and is constantly getting offers for a modelling career, but she finds helping people is her call-in life.

However, your father is super strong! In a way, he is a bit like All Might himself, just not quite as strong as the Symbol of Peace. He always said that one day he hoped to be on the level with him, constantly training and pushes himself to be stronger. Drake's downside is that his meals are massive, even though you wouldn't tell by looking at him. No matter how much he eats, there isn't an ounce of fat on him. The two of your parents are trained in hand to hand fighting and martial arts, from krav maga, taekwondo, boxing just to name a few.

Their hero names 'Kitty Claws' and 'Powerhouse!'

Quirk wise, you are the same as your mum. Having your very own tail and ears that are (H/C) just like your hair, as well as claws. The difference is that your eyes are both of different colours, one of violet-like your fathers and one gold like your mother's. Another difference is that you have faint whisker markings upon your cheeks.

Since Leo was your twin, he had the same eyes but the opposite way but human, not cats' eyes. Both of you also had the same hair colour.

Leo takes after your father, in every aspect from being very handsome, strong, brave but also kind-hearted. He is also technically the oldest by a whole 3 minutes and 33 seconds. The two of you adore each other, constantly causing mischief.

Whether it was drawing on the walls, hiding things around the house to play Marco Polo with your parents, or working as a team to get the cookies off the counter. Leo learnt from a young age that if he used his strength, with your ability to jump high and balance you could reach the highest shelves in the kitchen.

All in all, you were a happy family, loved by everyone that knew the (L/N)'s. Your parents were also getting more money from the hero business, so you and your brother didn't really want or need for anything, although you were brought up to respect that you couldn't get everything that you wanted.

At the age of 17, your parents were being considered by the hero community of Japan and decided to take a step forward in their careers now that Leo and yourself, were older. Leaving everyone back in London, which you were sad about, however, you knew that it was for the best. Even though you would miss your best friend, Alex Monroe, he was sad to see you go but said he would save up to come and visit. Making the same promise yourself to get a job to come home to visit him.

And so, you moved to Japan!

Luckily, your parents had taught you multiple languages at a young age. They found it important if you ever decided to become heroes one day, that no matter the nationality of the person you were saving, you could comfort them, and they could understand you were there to save them.

The new house was nice, slightly bigger than the one you had before, but it just wasn't home. Leo and yourself, transferred into a school towards the end of the semester, so you didn't really have the chance to make any friends, but that didn't bother you both as long as you had each other.

Taking a part-time job, as per your promise to Alex at a maid cafe. They said you would attract more customers, due to how cute your ears and tail were. They weren't wrong, regular customers came back to talk to you.

However, one boy, that became a regular had an aura of menace whenever he came in. Trying to never serve him yourself, so you never got a good look at him. He would always sit in someone else section.

Nevertheless, you could feel the stare in his eyes over your body whenever you weren't looking. Like he was taking in all your features, from the top of your ears to the tips of your toes and it sent a shiver down your spine. Yet, you carried on working as you guess if he was looking and not touching there is no harm.

One day, however, you came out of the back after getting changed into your maid outfit, instantly being greeted by your boss Aoi Mitsuki. A petite woman with short brown hair, big blue eyes and the biggest smile for anyone she spoke to. Her aura was calming which you were convinced was her quirk.

As you had been there a few months, she comes over to you with that contagious smile and said in a friendly sweet voice. "Gooooood Afternoooon (L/N), how are you today?"

"Good afternoon Miss Aoi, I'm great thank you. Ready for another amazing shift at work. How are you today?" Replying in your usually friendly manner.

"I'm doing great, and we've been super busy today, so we need all hands-on deck today," she answered in an upbeat cheerful tone, saluting to you.

"Please, Miss Aoi, call me (f/n). I believe we are friends now after a few months of working here. Also, don't you worry put me wherever you need me." beaming at her with your little cat fangs poking out over your bottom lip.

"(f/n), YOU'RE SUCH A CUTIE!" she declared loudly, pinching your cheeks. "Well, if that's the case please start by serving table 10." Smiling at you giving you the instruction, before walking in the back to get on with her day.

So, with that, you walked over to table 10.

"Good afternoon Master, I hope you're having a lovely day? Ho.....ww ma...y I hee...lppp yoooou?" Instantly you started to get a little flustered, feeling the menacing aura radiate from the boy, who's big green eyes stared into your purple and gold orbs......

****sorry if this chapter went on a bit but I just wanted to create a basic understanding of your character's story and where it begins, however, I hope you enjoyed it! This is my first story, so please bear with me :)*** 

Thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next chapter. 

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now