Chapter 1

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"Be a good sinner and tell me where the hell is that file" I said as I pointed my gun at a person. He shook his head stubbornly. "You want this to end the easy way or the hard way?" I said again. The person just glared at me. "I'll take that as the hard way then" I said as I shot him at his head. "Useless trash" I said and kicked his body away. I took the file that was hiding behind of him and opened it.

I smirked to myself and casually walking to the rooftop. I had an uneasy feeling so I held my gun. I turned back and shot three person with just one bullet. "Wow masterpiece" I said and took a pic of them. I smirked and walked away. The guards are probably after me by now. I chewed my gum and went into the helicopter. "20 minutes. What a record" Jeon Jungkook, my partner said and drove away. "Who doesn't know Jung y/n" I praised myself. Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Yah where's your respect towards older people?!" I nagged. "We were born on the same year, the same day and the same time. What do you mean?" Jungkook said focusing on driving. I just rolled my eyes and leaned looking outside.

After a good 15 minutes we arrived at the company. I walked towards the boss's office. I knocked thrice and entered when I heard 'come in'. I bowed my head. "Perfect timing" he said. "Y/n I would like to introduce you to Park Jungsoo a strong mafia leader from the Park's company" he said. I just looked at him with a straight face and bowed a little. "It's a pleasure to meet you" I said with a sarcastic tone. "Jungsoo-ssi meet my daught_" I cut him off. "Step daughter" I hissed. He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Yeah my step daughter Jung y/n" he said awkwardly.

"Here's the file" I said and handed him the file. "You see Jungsoo she's one of the top agent here" dad continued his annoying talks. "I'm leaving" I said, bowed and walked out casually.

"Woah who do we have here?" Park Jinyoung said. "Go away Jinyoung-ssi" I said and rolled my eyes. "What if I say I don't want to?" He said. A punch landed on his face. He fell down and his lip bled. "That's what you get" I said and casually walked away.

"y/n here!" Jungkook yelled. I smiled a little. I walked towards him but bumped on a wall.

More someone's chest. "Yah!" I yelled rubbing my forehead. "What?! Are you blind?!" That person yelled. I looked up and saw a jerk looking face guy. "Jerk ass!" I yelled and walked away. "Rude ass!" He yelled back. "Shut up" I said and continued walking.

"That jerk" Jungkook said. "You know him or something?" I said. "Ah a-ani" Jungkook stuttered. "Sure let's go" I pulled Jungkook by his arm. I turned back and saw that guy glaring at me before walking inside of dad's office.

I rolled my eyes.

Jungkook and I walked into the elevator going down to the Ground Floor.

Once we reached we walked out seeing a lot of unfamiliar men in black. "What the_" Jungkook said. "It must be the Jungsoo guy security" I said. Jungkook nodded. We walked towards Jungkook's car and entered.

"Chicken and beer sounds nice!" Jungkook yelled. "You're still in the illegal age to drink beer" I said. "For god sake y/n we're the same age, born on the same year, and the same day" Jungkook said annoyed. "At least I'm older" I said. "By an hour" Jungkook said. "An hour is 60 minutes, 1 minute is equal to 60 seconds so 60 minutes is equivalent to 3600 seconds" I said and smiled annoyingly.

"So basically I'm 3600 seconds older than you" I said and grinned. "I hate you" Jungkook said. "I love you too" I said. Jungkook rolled his eyes. Me and Jungkook were best friends since birth.

"It's on you today" I said. "Why is it always on me??" Jungkook asked annoyed. "Because I'm older than you and I say so" I said. "Basically the older ones pay" Jungkook said. "But you're a guy" I said again. "What's with being a guy and paying?" Jungkook asked annoyed. "You're the only daughter of a rich billionaire while I'm just a broke ass kid" Jungkook said and pouted.

"You're rich for God sake and it's step daughter" I said. "Fine" Jungkook said. Pouting while focusing on the road.

"Aight we're here" Jungkook said as he pulled over beside a busy street. We went into our usual restaurant.

"Ahjumma!" I yelled happily. "Chicken and beer? Okay!" She yelled. "She knows us well" Jungkook said. We sat down at our usual spot and chatted.

Soon the food came. "Mm gamsahabnida!" I said and bowed. Me and Jungkook started to dig in.

When we're done we paid for the food. We went into the car. "Where are we supposed to go next?" Jungkook asked. "No idea" I replied. Then my phone vibrated.

"Hello?" I answered the call. "Agent 002 we need backup right now at Cheondamdong abandoned building 369!" The person yelled. I heard gunshots. "Jungkook! Cheondamdong abandong building 369 now!" I yelled. Jungkook nodded and drove. "We're on our way" I said and hung up.

"Oh baby I am excited" I said. I loaded my gun and walked out with Jungkook.

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