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Just a clean new toy in a clean new box

Awaiting the one who will love me.

They took me away and removed the locks

To which I gained the freedom to see.

My home had a floor swamped with socks

Owned by a girl who would invite me to tea.

She cuddled me and loved me with kisses

That would be treasured upon my cheek.

She took me everywhere – I won’t be missed

And would always play a bit of hide and seek.

She always held my paw when making her wishes

And for the times when I really did reek

She would put me in the bowl next to the dishes.

She started to get older, I thought my time was up,

I thought the attic was my place to stay.

I would no longer be treated like a pup

But as a home for the spiders to array.

 But Chloe never made me seem corrupt –

She held me ‘til time took us away.

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