Chapter 3- The Interviews

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This is my third part. I hope you like! Please comment what you think (I don't think anyone will but it really would mean a lot)

(Snowfur's POV)

Snowfur was already awake and groomed when Ashfur, Brackenfur, Cinderheart and Ivypool woke up. She had been torn out of her sleep at dawns first light, by a terrifying dream. A huge, bloody clearing, filled with fighting cats and bodies. She shuddered, trying to forget about it. Ivypool was blinking sleep from her eyes and Ashfur was rasping his tongue along his chest, while Lionblaze's side rose and fell; he was still deep in sleep. Brackenfur and Cinderheart were, too, already up and grooming themselves.

Snowfur didn't know what to think of her clan mates. She'd never met any of them. Lionblaze seemed respectful and friendly. Ivypool was quiet, but fierce. And Ashfur was really just a stupid furball, she thought. Brackenfur seemed a little shy, but she respected him. Cinderheart was pretty, and muscular. She'd also noticed Lionblaze and Cinderheart exchanging knowing glances. Perhaps they were in love? Snowfur shrugged off the thought.

Like usual around this time of the morning, Hawkfrost burst into their cave, letting the bright early sun light up the dark walls. "Get up! It's time to meet your stylists for today's interviews!" He growled. With a slash of the tabby's claws, Lionblaze was awake, wide-eyed. "No time to be sleepy, get groomed and follow me!" Hawkfrost smirked. Lionblaze hissed softly, but obeyed.

"Hello, Snowfur, Cinderheart and Ivypool. I am Hollowflight, the ThunderClan she-cats stylist." The dark brown tabby tom introduced himself. Noticing Ivypool, he gave her a knowing wink. Ivypool looked away. Snowfur had heard about Ivypool spying in the Dark Forest for her clan.

"Who's first? You, Snowfur?" He asked. Snowfur nodded uncertainly, and followed Hollowflight into a hollow tree cave.

"Snow... water and petals- sounds good to me!" Hollowflight meowed, grabbing a handful of snow-white rose petals from a rose garden at the side.

"We're going to put these on you, Snowfur. Hold still."

Snowfur shivered as the cold, moist petals rested on her fur. Hollowflight adjusted it until they sat comfortably.

"Now, water. How about drops of dew in your fur? It'll go well with your white pelt." He pondered out loud. Snowfur stood still, not daring to make a sound or movement. The petals itched her shoulder, but she shrugged it off.

She almost gasped out loud as Hollowflight grabbed a wet leaf and let its dew flow onto her back. The icy liquid soaked into Snowfur's fur, forming droplets of glistening dew. The freezing water trickled down her side, but didn't drip down.

"It looks amazing, Snowfur! Here, look into the pool!" Hollowflight guided her towards a clear puddle of water. The old Dark Forest cat was right, she looked beautiful with the petals clinging to her body and the dew sparkling like frost in her snowy fur.

"Go outside and follow Mapleshade into the backstage cave," Hollowflight told her, "while I get your clan mates, Cinderheart and Ivypool ready."

Snowfur nodded and met Hawkfrost outside the tree.

Lionblaze had sandy-golden coloured feathers camouflaged into his pelt and his fur had been combed through with a nettle. Ashfur had ashes inside his grey fur. That was no surprise. Snowfur knew Snowtuft, the ThunderClan toms stylist, had a simple taste. Ivypool had ivy vines wrapped around her body. Cinderheart had silver dust in her grey pelt, like star powder. Brackenfur had messy clumps of mud stuck in his fur. Untidy, but fierce looking, Snowfur thought. The three clan mates nodded at each other after observing their looks.

"Cats of the clans, we are all gathered her today for our tribute interviews!" Snowfur's ears pricked up as she heard Tigerstar's voice through the stone wall. The hole from the backstage cave to the interview stage had its view blocked out by long vines.

The clans cheered.

"We will start with Raggedstar of ShadowClan!"

The messy, ginger-brown furred tom pushed his way out onto the stage. Snowfur could see his pelt was made to look extra spiky with water.

The cats were called on stage an came back out quickly. Time flowed, and Snowfur had a good look at the looks.

Some cats had sand in their fur, feathers, petals, snow, water, leaves, mud and so on. Finally, Snowfur heard her name being called out. Her heart was pounding as she brushed past the vines. The bright light startled her at first and she almost stumbled. But she remembered her sister, Bluestar's, advice- act confident and strong. Snowfur held her head high and puffed up her chest. She swayed her tail back and forth swiftly. She could feel a warm breeze ruffle her fur. Snowfur sat down next to Tigerstar, the interviewer.

"I love your style, Snowfur. Petals and dew. It's perfect!" Tigerstar complimented. "Firstly, tell me, what is your most important reason that you want to win this years Hunger Games?"

"I, uh... For my family. My sister, and my friends. Also for the extra food for ThunderClan, of course." Snowfur replied.

"What was going through your mind when your name was called at the reaping?"

"I-I guess I was shocked. I couldn't believe it." Snowfur let her blue gaze drift through the crowd of cats. Thousands of wide eyes stared up at her, silent while they waited for her or Tigerstar to speak.

"What's your special skill that you're going to use in the Hunger Games?"

"I demonstrated survival skills, but I'm also a pretty good fighter." Snowfur nodded confidently.

"And, since we are running out of time, I have one last question," Tigerstar said, "do you think you have a secret lover in your rivals?" He grinned at Snowfur's surprised look. "Don't look so bewildered. It's happened a lot."

"I-I don't think so. I don't know. Really." Snowfur stammered, feeling the skin underneath her fur getting hot. She could feel the stares of all four clans on her. Could she really have a lover?

"Well, Snowfur, I hope you are ready for tomorrow morning. Good luck." Tigerstar winked.

Snowfur nodded quickly and hurried off stage. Fright clawed at her belly. Tomorrow morning was the start of the hunger games!

The next chapter is the start of the Hunger Games! I'm so excited! By the way, please tell me if you see mistakes!

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