Chapter 8

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(Lionblaze's POV)

Deaths: (11) Podkit, Ivytail, Sedgewhisker, Sunstrike, Oatpaw, Raggedstar, Crowfrost, Brackenfur, Quickpaw, Nightcloud, Driftkit

Lionblaze lifted his head, breathing in the smell of sand and dead bushes. He was in the pit of a dried out river, in which he had fallen in. He leapt up, hooking his claws onto the sandy edge and tried to pull himself up. The dry sand crumbled beneath his paws, and clumps of sand tumbled down, echoing below him. But Lionblaze finally managed to heave himself out, landing in a panting mess in the grass.

He had set off to travel early in the morning after last nights sleep. Now he had found himself here.

Wanting to just fall asleep, he rolled over and looked at his surroundings from ground view. Bushes were crowded around him. His breath was loud, and he could hear his blood pounding in his ears.

Suddenly, a loud rumble filled the air. Another tribute dead. He shuddered.

A familiar scent lifted Lionblaze's spirits. His neck fur bristled as suddenly, a flash of silver-grey was on top of him, purring.

"Cinderheart! I'm so glad to see you!" He called joyfully as the pretty she-cat jumped off him, letting him scramble to his paws.

"Hi! I've missed you so much! And I was really worried about you! Isn't it terrible that Brackenfur is dead?" Cinderheart greeted him.

"Yes. It should have been Ashfur!" Lionblaze grunted in reply. Cinderheart nodded enthusiastically.

They both jumped a mile as a fuzz of electricity buzzed in the dark night sky, and a picture of Tigerstar appeared.

"Well, well, well, my contestants!" He snared, grinning his evil grin. "I have come because there are now twelve deaths. Twelve are dead, and twelve have survived till the hardest bit of this years Hunger Games. We will now try to make things. harder for you!" Tigerstar yowled, his voice cutting through the forest. "Those of you who are left are: Ivypool, Ashfur, Lionblaze, Snowfur, Cinderheart, Crowfeather, Rainflower, Onestar, Oakheart, Silverstream, Dawnpelt, and Russetfur. Congratulations!" He paused shortly. "Remember, we are always watching you!" He finished. And with that, the image flickered, and went out. Cinderheart and Lionblaze turned and stared at each other.

"What did he mean, 'things will get harder'?" Cinderheart asked, puzzled.

"I don't know. And I don't want to know right now." Lionblaze shivered. "For now, we should find shelter and get some sleep." He suggested. She nodded, and they didn't need to walk far until they found an old fox den.

But before they could do anything, a fierce she-cat leapt onto Lionblaze from out of the shadows! Cinderheart screeched in alarm, trying to help fight the blue-grey RiverClan cat. It was Rainflower! The cat who had let Cinderheart escape in return of Oatpaw's life. Rainflower was cruel and violent, but fair.

"Lionblaze, stop!" She shouted at the two wrestling cats. The muscular golden tom had Rainflower pinned down firmly.

"Why?" He growled. "She's a mangy flea pelt!"

"But... she let me live! In exchange for Oatpaw's life!" Cinderheart yowled, glued to the spot. Lionblaze didn't move, instead rested his steady amber-yellow gaze on the grey she-cat.

"It's either her or me, Cinderheart. One of us has to die. Who's it going to be?" He asked.

"I-I-" Rainflower broke off Cinderheart's stutter.

"Please, Cinderheart! I spared your life!" She wailed.

"No. You killed poor Oatpaw, and I would never choose your life over Lionblaze's." Cinderheart meowed confidently. Lionblaze nodded and turned back to the the pleading she-cat. He closed his eyes, and raked his claws over her throat. Within seconds, Rainflower lay limp and thunder rumbled above them. Rainflower's spirit slowly got to her paws, blood dripping from her neck. She glared angrily at Cinderheart, then faded until she was gone.

Cinderheart stood still, shaking, as Lionblaze got off Rainflower's dead body and dipped his head toward Cinderheart. She breathed in shakily.

Cinderheart and Lionblaze's eyes were fixed on the stars, which moved, like every night, to show the faces of dead cats. Tonight, it only showed Rainflower's face.

The two ThunderClan cats curled up and quickly fell asleep.

Yo guys comment which cat you're going for I'm interested!!

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