Chapter 10

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(Ashfur's POV)

Deaths: (15) Podkit, Ivytail, Sedgewhisker, Sunstrike, Oatpaw, Raggedstar, Crowfrost, Brackenfur, Quickpaw, Nightcloud, Driftkit, Leopardstar, Rainflower, Russetfur, Snowfur.

Ashfur didn't stop running until he was deep inside the forest. Ivypool's scent was long gone, and Snowfur's blood had dried on his muzzle and paws. He stopped to catch his breath, and collapsed in a panting heap on the earthy forest floor. Tears welled up in his eyes. Why had he killed Snowfur? Why had he helped Ivypool? Why did he love her? He couldn't believe it. He had fallen in love with his enemy. And he had killed her best friend in the Hunger Games. Ashfur wanted to kill himself.

"You're nothing to me, Ashfur! You killed my best friend! You're a MONSTER!" Ivypool had howled after him. He couldn't get her face out of his mind. Tears streaming down her cheeks, tail lashing, bruised body, blue eyes blazing in anger and hatred. And bloody wounds. Gashes and gashes of bloody wounds that Ashfur had done. What had he done to her? Now she would never love him. Not even close.

Ashfur staggered to his paws. He clawed at the ground, tearing out chunks of soil and grass with his claws.

But sooner or later, he began to realise he had to find shelter and forget about Ivypool. At least for a while. He slipped off his leaf package and peered down at its old contents. The borage leaves were crumpled and torn, and the vole was squished and smelled bad. Ashfur felt angry at himself. His thrust the sharp rock hard down onto the ground. Frustration pulsated through him. Sweat dripped down his bloody face. He couldn't keep himself together. He had been chosen for the Hunger Games and believed he could win. He couldn't even look after himself. He felt like yowled out loud, but he knew enemies could be near.

Ashfur pricked his ears and listened for prey. There was nothing. Tigerstar had said things would get harder... But there was something- the relieving sound if running water! Ashfur packed his supplies away, slipped the loop over his head and picked up speed, heading toward the sound.

Soon enough, Ashfur felt himself standing at the edge of a slow flowing river. It looked strange, almost oily. Ashfur shrugged away the thought. He knew he had to get all this blood off his body even before he started drinking. He dipped a paw into the water, the thick liquid soaking into his fur.

Ashfur shrieked as a stinking pain shocked on his paw. He drew it back. It was throbbing in pain. He yowled as he tried to shake off the burning pain. It was like a bees sting! Or his paw was on fire! He examined his pads- they were bright red, pulsating with pain. Ashfur tried to stop his fast beating heart, slowing his breath. Finally, when he was calm, he tried to put his paw down onto the ground. He winced, quickly lifting it back up. With the scent of infection, he would never be able to sneak around unnoticeably.

Ashfur sighed, unwrapping his leaf package. The vole didn't seem to be in good shape, but he was starving. So he sank his teeth into the vole's foul flesh, pressing down the urge to pull away. He needed to eat. The disgusting meat spread a revolting taste across his tongue as he forced himself to swallow it. Twisting away from the half eaten fresh-kill, he scanned the line of trees. Growling, he dug into the firm dirt and buried the dead vole. It's rotting scent would give him away.

Too late.

A rasping chuckle made Ashfur's insides flip. "Well, well, well. It's the killer!" Ashfur spun around. The fur along his spine stood on end. Before him stood Oakheart. His light amber eyes glittered triumphantly, and his sleek brown fur was ruffled and bloody.

"You killed Snowfur! She was my mates' sister!" Oakheart growled. "And you're going to pay the price!" He snarled, leaping onto Ashfur. His furious screech ripped through the air as he grabbed Ashfur's pelt in his claws and three him backward. Ashfur scrambled up and hurled herself at the matter tom, claws slashing, jaws tearing. He jumped on him and raked his belly with thorn-sharp claws. Shrieking with pain, Oakheart gave a hard kick, sending Ashfur flying back next to the edge of the deadly Black Water. Oakheart pinned him down.

"I'm sorry! I didn't want to kill her! I-I had to!" Ashfur yowled. It was true. He knew Oakheart was stronger than him, and he would kill him if he could.

"That's no excuse! You're a killer, Ashfur! And I'm going to make you feel what it's like!" Oakheart bared his fangs.

"I won't die by you! Just please, give me a chance!" Ashfur wailed, feeling salty blood rise in his throat as Oakheart pressed his claws harder onto his neck.

"Pleading won't help you." Oakheart loomed over him. Scraping up all his courage and strength, Ashfur reached out and clawed Oakheart's bloody muzzle. Yowling, he leapt off. Ashfur watched in horror as he rolled toward the edge of the river. The brown tom clawed at the earth, trying to regain his balance, but failed. Oakheart lost his grip, and shrieked as he fell into the deadly liquid. A gurgle and a couple of bubbles escaped to the surface of the water as the brown tom sank to his death. Seconds later, a booming thunderclap silenced Oakheart's life forever.

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