Chapter 14- The Final Fight

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Guys and gals, this is the moment we have all been waiting for- THE FINAL FIGHT! Who will win? Crowfeather or Ivypool? By the way, I've stolen a few good sentences from The Last Hope that I really liked. Credit goes to Erin Hunter.

(Ivypool's POV)

Deaths: (22) Podkit, Ivytail, Sedgewhisker, Sunstrike, Oatpaw, Raggedstar, Crowfrost, Brackenfur, Quickpaw, Nightcloud, Driftkit, Leopardstar, Rainflower, Russetfur, Snowfur, Oakheart, Silverstream, Onestar, Ashfur, Dawnpelt, Lionblaze, Cinderheart.

"GO!" Tigerstar screeched before he disappeared in the swirling water.

Ivypool turned to Crowfeather, suddenly feeling confident. Slitted eyes, her opponent attacked. Hooking his claws deep into Ivypool's shoulder, Crowfeather raked her spine with churning paws. Ivypool yowled in pain. She twisted free and slashed at him. The dark warrior ducked back, head low, and grabbed Ivypool's hind paw in his teeth. Biting hard, he dragged Ivypool onto his belly, then reared up and slammed his forepaws onto Ivypool's spine. Ivypool felt like her spine was crumbling as pain shot through her while body.

She heaved herself to her paws and turned to face Crowfeather. She leapt for the black tom. Swerving in midair, she landed a whisker away from Crowfeather's flank. As Crowfeather spun to defend himself, Ivypool smashed her paws into his side. Unbalanced, Crowfeather staggered and fell. Ivypool rained slashing blows onto his head, panting as she shook of warm blood trickling down her forehead.

Writhing away, Crowfeather struggled to his paws. He blinked blood from his blazing eyes and lunged furiously at Ivypool's throat. The ThunderClan she-cat lurched backward, only narrowly avoiding his slashing claws. But Crowfeather was quick; as soon as he landed in the grass he pushed off once more, knocking Ivypool off her paws with all his strength. Ivypool desperately dug her claws into Crowfeather's belly and thrust him off. Ivypool jumped to her paws as her opponent struggled to regain his balance on the ground.

She flew at him, aiming for his throat. With a vicious snarl, she sank his teeth deep into Crowfeather's neck. She held on while Crowfeather thrashed and staggered and finally collapsed to the ground.

Ivypool kept hold of him as blood flowed onto the ground. When Crowfeather finally stopped twitching, she let go of his throat. She straightened up and watched Crowfeather's gaze go blank, her heart pounding hard, blood pulsing from her torn open wounds. She watched in amazement as Crowfeather's spirit rose up. He gave her a final, low dip of his massive scarred head and then faded away completely.

Ivypool backed away as shrieks, cheers and yowls echoed in her ears, forcing her to flatten them against her head. Her head throbbed, she was dripping with blood, and her whole body felt sore. Her legs were trembling, threatening to give way underneath her shivering weight.

"Congratulations, Ivypool!" Tigerstar howled over the cheering crowd of cats. As he spoke, thunder cracked the sky. Ivypool looked up as a bolt of lightning struck the old oak beside her. The tree exploded into flame. Smoke rolled over her and Crowfeather's body. Eyes streaming, chest burning, Ivypool struggled to see Crowfeather. As she peered through the smoke, the clouds opened. Rain started pounding on Ivypool's ragged, bloody pelt. The burning oak hissed and crackled as the fire faded and died.

Crowfeather was dead. Ivypool had won the Hunger Games!

"Ivypool, step into the nearest puddle. It will teleport you into our medicine cats den and our most experienced medicine cat; but not one, will take care of you and heal your wounds." Tigerstar's voice ripped her through her thoughts. Ivypool staggered clumsily into a deep puddle, trying not to gag as the the brown, swirling water sucked her in, making her throbbing headache worse.

Ivypool appeared in a large, dimly lit area. A dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes sat opposite her. He had half his tail shredded off, showing pale, pink skin.

"I'm Shredtail. I'll be taking care of you." He blankly introduced himself. He beckoned her to lay down in the mossy nest while he treated her injuries. Ivypool nodded; not needing to be told twice to finally have a good nights sleep after nine days of nonstop murdering.

She carefully let herself down into the soft moss, not having to wait long before sleep washed over her like waves at the edge of a lake.

Soo Ivypool won! Slayy ~~ anyway, don't add this story to your archive yet! There's a few more chapters coming!

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